Reality Mixer now supports high-resolution USB cameras, displaying the camera image in VR.
This is in beta.
The feature has been tested with these two 4K cameras:
- Logitech BRIO
- Trust 4K Webcam
To activate the feature, you need to edit the settings file manually (for now).
The settings file, named similarly to 'RealityMixer_Settings_RoomId-0123456789ABCDEF.xml', resides in the same folder as the application's executable.
If you don't have a file with a RoomId (like '0123456789ABCDEF'), e.g. after a fresh install of the app, run Reality Mixer at least once, while you're in VR. It will generate the settings file.
Edit the file in this way:
- Stop SteamVR.
- Make a backup of your settings file.
- Open the settings file in a text editor like Notepad.
- Find the tag that starts with "<Cameras ..."
- Remove all lines from that tag up to and including the line with "</Cameras>".
- Replace these lines with:
<Camera Name="Logitech BRIO" UseAs="LeftCam" SensorWidth_Pixels="3840" SensorHeight_Pixels="2160" FramesPerSecond="30.0" Format="NV12" ImageLayout="Monoscopic"/> <Camera Name="None" UseAs="RightCam"/> </Cameras>```
- Save the file, start SteamVR and Reality Mixer.
If you have a different camera, change the Camera Name as shown above ("Logitech BRIO") to the name your camera uses, such as "Trust 4K Webcam". You can use a _Windows _program such as _WebcamViewer _to see the exact name of your camera.
You can change the resolution (SensorWidth and Height) and framerate (FramesPerSecond) to values your camera supports.
Currently, only the NV12 video format is supported, so your camera must support that format (most do).
To improve the visual quality, increase the TextureQuality parameter to 200 for each box. You'll find it in the "<Box ..." tags in the settings file.
This feature will be refined and enhanced.
If you experience any difficulties or have suggestions for improvement, please reach out!
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Changed depots in internalbeta branch