Version 1.4.0 - 08/03/2024 - Lightning Round
Time Controls
- Allows speeding up the game by 2x, 3x or 4x.
- Disabled when too many structures are damaged or when a lag report is generated
- 7 Challenges under the new Simulations Mission tab.
- Each challenge unlocks an upgrade with their theme once they are completed.
Build Saving
- You can now save your auto upgrade priorities with ctrl+number, then load it by pressing that number
Purple Upgrades:
- Static: Projectiles create lightning on impact.
7 Challenge-related upgrades
2 new specs, one for minefield deployer and one for tesla tower
- Tesla Tower: Allows you to build tesla towers and gives access to their specialization
- Random Blueprint: Transforms itself into a random tower blueprint when a mission starts
New Enemies
Ice Ball
* Has a ranged attack
* Slows
* Attacks multiple buildings at once
* Attacks by sweeping over your buildings
Resource Blobs
- Experience and Resources now spawn as small blobs that are absorbed by buildings
Run Rebooting
- The game will now try to reboot your run at your last value drift if something crashes it.
Buff and Debuff system for buildings
- Includes new buffs and debuffs such as "Slowness", "Shielding" and "Multishot"
Balance Changes
- New Tower unlocks now happen every 15 difficulty instead of 20
- Building near lava now aggro it after 2-4 seconds
- Ocean is no longer a suitable biome for spawning
Tower Changes
* Damage decreased from 20 to 15
* Attack speed reduced from 0.16 to 0.1
* Accuracy reduced from 1 to 0.33
Machine Gun
* Damage increased from 0.5 to 1
* Base attack speed increased from 1.5 to 2
* Attack speed bonus from firing increased from up to 3x to 5x
* Now properly lose their attack speed bonus from firing when idle
Earthquake Generator
* Shooting cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
* Range increased from 0.5 to 0.75
* Range increased from 1.6 to 2
High-Density Spheres
* Doubled knockback chance
Upgrade Changes
Machine Learning
* Scaling reduced from 1% to 0.25%
* Scales based on kills from every building of the same type
* Keeps values on value drifts
* Combined towers count as "Structure" building type
* Duration increased from 2s to 5s
* Damage increased from 1% to 5%
* Radius heavily reduced
* Now bounces 10 times per second instead of instantly and can bounce outside the initial radius, this applies to every source of lightning damage within the game
Frenzy Surge
* Cooldown increased from 30s to 60s
* Is now global
* Now has an animation
* Now has an animation
Cryogenic Technology
* Longer chance based
* Can now apply multiple stacks per hit and even applies non-integer number of stacks
* Now affects bosses, although it doesn't slow them.
* Now scales in hits per second instead of dps only
* Can hit on uneven tick intervals and even multiple times per tick
* Can still trigger every on-hit effect
* Can happen on uneven tick intervals and even multiple times per tick
Many of these now scale with player-level
Primed Shot
* Chance is now fixed at 25%
* Damage and radius increase changed from 100% to level*4
* Damage changed from 40% to level%
Slow But Steady
* Damage increase changed from 100% to level
* Attack speed increase changed from 100% to level
WeakSpot Detector
* Damage increase changed from 400% to level*20%
Synthetic Aperture
* You now keep the benefits of telescopes when you value drift
Unusual Lubricant
* Can no longer target enemies in the fog of war
Enemy Changes
* No longer swims through land
Ice Shards
* No longer spawn within a radius of 6 blocks of the spawning position
* No longer show up on the map view
* Shoots shards on destruction that slow towers for 15 seconds
Fire Bat
* Fire now ticks twice per second instead of just once, total damage is unchanged
Sulfuric Geyser
* Can now be killed
* Drastically reduced growth cap
* When hitting the growth cap, it will break into 2 smaller snowballs, with growth reset
General Changes
- Changed the behavior of replacing your active skill to something more intuitive
- Made it so that seeing the enemy is enough to unlock its database entry
- Colonies now show their checking area when hovered with alt
- The relationship between hotkeys and equipment slots is now consistent
- Mission selection drop list now also shows upgrades available conditionally
- Made some changes to the lag compensation so that the game feels more responsive at lower tps
Visual Changes
- Made earth fissures emerging from the boss lair denser and with more branches
- Menu should be more widescreen friendly with virtual black bars
- Added icons for all Kokatune biomes
- When starting a mission or on value drift, the name of the planet is now shown
- Rewritten lag reports so that they are more readable
- Action icons when selecting a building are now a bit smaller than one tile, so that you can select the adjacent tile without clicking on it
- Added indicators to when upgrades trigger, both in the map and on the left side of the UI
- Fixed "Invalid key to next" error screen
- Fixed gathering missions not showing on Kokatune
- Fixed a crash with some flamethrower merges
- Potential drops are now correctly positioned on the mission screen
- Fixed nuke auto-casting at mouse position when there are no enemies
- Notification camera movement should be a lot more reliable now
Changed files in this update