As we say goodbye for now, we leave you with some quality of life improvements and a new playable archetype specialization.
- (Much requested) Displaying proficiencies and gear preferences in the companions’ character sheet.
- (Much requested) Sending an item to a companion can be done with a contextual action in the inventory window.
- Adding the Diplomat specialization for Rogues.
- Adding the Endurer as a non-playable ancestry.
- Replacing the Roadmap with credits.
- Removing ownership for most loot in Luckhaven. Robbing from robbers will not be considered a crime.
- Updating the majority of item descriptions.
- Adding dialogue options for high-ranking faction members to learn more about them.
- Adding more variants to Milestone narrator texts.
- Removing the +2 dice roll bonus on Influence for having succeeded Insight on an NPC.
- Changing Priest Loxy’s and Jorrit’s archetypes.
- Updating Constance’s daily routine so that she’s in the Howling Valley Shrine during the morning.
- Adding custom banter lines when key NPCs talk to each other.
- (Much requested) Fixed companions blocking the player during movement.
- (Much requested) Fixed faction negotiation town events.
- (Much requested) Fixed companions no longer equipping weapons after removing their weapon.
- Fixed sold items getting flagged as stolen.
- Fixed civilian NPC ending combat after one turn when attacking them after a failed pickpocket attempt.
- Fixed issue where travel event combat would not start.
- Fixed guards not reacting to a fight when investigating the source of a sound.
- Fixed issue where the player was stuck in loop when canceling out of a climb dice roll.
- Fixed appreciation not being awarded after fulfilling an NPC’s Make Appreciation and Talk To Wants.
- Fixed the wrong opportunity dialogue being displayed when Marcel’s and Nimo’s opportunities were active at the same time.
- Fixed issue where an invalid Goal name was displayed in the notifications.
- Fixed Aems using the wrong dialogue tree if the player initiated the dialogue.
- Fixed player’s name not displaying correctly in their inventory
- Fixed numerous abilities and special items that did not work.
Changed files in this update