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Romp of Dump update for 8 March 2024

The Early Access version has been updated!

Share · View all patches · Build 13682170 · Last edited 8 March 2024 – 15:09:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Vamp of Dump Case unlocked.

Dear observers, I am very sorry for the wait.
Not only have we added a new main scenario, but we have also made system modifications to make the game even more pleasant to play!

【The main scenario "Vamp of Dump Case I" is unlocked.】

Unravel the evil deeds of the "Vamp of Dump," a serial killer who falsely accused the protagonist, As!

A new main scenario, the "Vamp of Dump Case Ⅰ", and case documents available at the library event will be added.

Unlike the prisoners' main scenario, "Confession of Crimes and Repentance Ⅱ", there is no game over in this episode, but it branches off into multiple (10 in first episode) "hypotheticals" depending on the choices.
You can choose any of the options and each play is short, so you can read it quickly, or you can go around and collect the branches. This is a consideration-specific episode!

【The distribution of rewards for the repost campaign has begun!】

Rewards from the repost campaign conducted from 2/10 to 2/29 will be distributed to all players!

🔁101 reposts x 1 chip
🎨7 pieces of fan art x 10 chip
🎬Live game streaming by 4 people x 10 chip

A total of 【Chips x 211】 will be given to all players🎁
《Distribution period: 3/9 (Sat) 0:00 - 3/31 (Sun) 23:59》

Rewards will be distributed as a limited-time login bonus, so please remember to start the game to receive them!

The loading time when starting up the game will be greatly reduced to 1-2 seconds, and a progress bar will also be displayed.
The bug that caused a force close alert to appear when clicking during loading is also resolved.

The circle logo for "Zakurosuke" & "Zakurobento" was designed by Teoh.
Thank you for the great design!
Teoh's X(Twitter):

【Mini-game renovations were made!】

In addition, the rules for mini-games will be modified to be more similar to actual casino games.

  • In the mini-game "Blackjack", A (Ace) is now automatically treated as 11 points.
  • In the mini-game "Poker", when two players have the same hand, the ranking is determined by comparing numbers and suits.

【April 4: A one-day Louq Birthday event will occur!】

April 4 is the birthday of Louq, the outlier (good man) in a group of freaks.

I am implementing a special event that will allow you to celebrate his birthday!
It will occur for one day only, from 4/4 0:00 to 23:59, so please log in on that day as well!

【Update Details】

  • New main scenario "Vamp of Dump Case I" has been added.
  • Repost campaign reward "Chip x 211" will be distributed from 3/9 (Sat) 0:00 to 3/31 (Sun) 23:59.
  • A one-day "Louq" birthday event has been added on April 4.
  • The birthday event will be modified so that it can be recalled from the "GALLERY" at a later date.
  • Faster loading at startup and added a load screen.
  • In the mini-game "Blackjack", A (Ace) is now automatically treated as 11 points.
  • In the mini-game "Poker", when two players have the same hand, the ranking is determined by comparing numbers and suits.
  • Five additional case files available at library events.
  • Other minor bugs and typos have been fixed.
Windows Depot 1951521
  • Loading history…
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