[BETA] Multiple major bug fixes and groundwork for Steamwork support
Update Note for
ETA to default: Less than a week
Status: IN BETA
Older Saves: Safe to continue
New Stuff:
- You can now opt out of Unity’s telemetry and analytics from the settings menu
- Chinese localization and translation errors have been updated
- Reduce the volume of bulk transaction audio queue
Bug Fixes:
- Addressed 11 instances of crash and instability caught by crash reporters
- Fixed hotkey interference while naming a ship
- Fixed crashes caused by loading the game too early after just loading in
- Fixed cruising speed information display (by removing it temporarily)
- Fixed post-battle damage report inconsistencies
- Fixed boarding range and boarding calculation being inconsistent
- Fixed unknown modifier appearing on ships statistic page
- Fixed ships record statistics not counting up properly
- Fixed crashes caused by beam weapons
- Fixed the turn-back retreat message persisting after the battle
- Fixed game soft-locking when losing the boarding duel
- Fixed various crashes caused by search box filtering
- Fixed energy weapons not firing when ammo ran out
- Fixed the destroy ship button showing up in Multiplayer Menu
- Fixed language consistency on ship destruction confirmation sequence
Changed depots in staging branch