Patch 0.9.74 is probably the last larger hotfix for Witching Hour before we move to working on the next major content update. It brings some important balance changes, as well as a few minor bugfixes.
- Zhu's Inspiration ability no longer extends debuffs but instead grants one free use of an item.
- Hexa's Inspiration ability no longer grants a Special buff and instead extends debuffs.
- All stats now have effective caps of -100 at minimum and 200 at max.
- Zivko's Boost duration now increases by 1 per charge instead of 2.
- Zivko's Boost power decreased from 50%-200% to 50%-150%.
- Witching Hour rune now applies its quickening effect before the Special buff takes place, making it a little less impactful.
- Stat boosting items are no longer exempt from free item use effects.
- Dark Feast should now always kill its target.
Dev Note: Zhu's and Hexa's Inspirations switcheroo is meant to better fit the characters thematically, but it also nerfs the ability to stack multiple Hexes.
Dev Note #2: As more characters and abilities are introduced, it's easier to stack multiple buffs to reach game-breaking stat values. Introducing caps should target-nerf these specific exploits while keeping normal gameplay unaffected.
Dev Note #3: Boost's nerf is pretty major and we may slightly dial it down in a future hotfix. It should still be a battle-winning ability when used correctly, though.
- Free item use effects have a clearer indication when they trigger.
- Tooltips and quest selection on the map screen behaves more consistently with overlapping pins.
- Fixed another rare crash caused by Dark Pulse.
- Zapper attack now correctly tracks moving targets.
- Fixed Inspiration descriptions on the hero screen. Again.
- Zhu's Focus Fire no longer triggers Resonance when attacking a different enemy.
- Zivko's Failure AI will no longer waste Boosts on weak summons.
- Fixed incorrect pronoun usage in The Hiatus errand.
- Fixed typos in some of Hexa's quips and dialogue.
We hope you are enjoying the update! If you still encounter any issues or bugs, drop by our community forums or MoaCube's Discord server.
Changed files in this update