Hi Folks.
Just a small update to introduce a new feature requested by the Community, a couple of game play improvements and fixes for some minor issues that we have uncovered while developing The Dark Tower.
- New Advanced Rule: Experience Balance. Only applies if 'AI Hit Point Bonus' is not zero. Adjusts the experience received from melee and ranged attacks so that characters receive the same XPs as when there is no adjustment to the AI unit's hit points.
This means that your units will level up at roughly the same speed regardless of the AI Hit Point Bonus.
Change: If a unit resists a spell due to its Magic Resistance attribute, the text "Magic Resistance" will float above the unit.
Change: The Shadow Seep, Shadow Leak and Shadow Drain spells have had their short description changed to indicate the amount of rest required to remove the effect.
Please let us know if you have any problems with the update and we hope you enjoy the game.
All the best.
Ian & Jann
Changed files in this update