Hail, Travelers!
Experience a completely re-imagined Holomento experience in (by far) our biggest update yet!
- Our most requested feature since Alpha... Jumping is finally here!
- The Frigid Fjord arrives as a brand new region featuring the upgrade-able town of Fjordhome!
- Eventide Pass has been reworked and vastly expanded with new mini-quests and more!
- Every region throughout the Hollow has been changed with new areas, chests, obelisks and more!
- Added an all new puzzle + platforming designed dungeon - The Ice Palace!
- A new plague-doctor inspired Alchemist Class with a new signature throw-able bottle weapon type!
- New Quests and a redesigned, more engaging and stylish Dialogue System!
- Redesigned Enemy AI with new attacks, movement, tracking and path-finding!
- Reworked mini-boss encounters and arenas!
- Multiple game-play system updates including keys and obelisks!
- A plethora of bug fixes, other features and lots, lots more!
You can read the full patch notes below!
For more information on planned features coming in future patches, check out the Holomento Roadmap!
Overwhelmingly our most requested feature since Holomento's Alpha over 3 years ago, we've finally added jumping (and reworked and retouched most of the Hollow to compensate). We've added secrets and discoverables for you to find while exploring the world with this new traversal mechanic. The new Frigid Fjord and Ice Palace dungeon implement several puzzles and platforming challenges to maximize this new feature. We plan to add many more platforming and jumping puzzles to new and existing regions in future updates!
Overhauled Dialogue System
The dialogue system has been completely reworked both visually and functionally with many new features including:
- New Dialogue Text Visuals - Dialogue text is now much more colorful, dynamic and fully animated.
- Updated Response System - Dialogue responses have been updated with a new style. NPCs can now talk for multiple textboxes worth of dialogue without the player needing to interrupt them.
- Cinematic Cameras - The camera can now be dynamically moved during dialogue to highlight important locations, focus on the NPC, fade to black and more!
- Audio Updates - Unique NPCs now have more distinct dialogue SFX! Other sounds are played during dialogue to improve immersion and better describe situations with audio cues.
- New NPCs - Added many new NPC's throughout the world including Donna Teilla, Ako, Voxifer, Sir Orion Starr, Xin' Coul, Cossar Pol and many others
Gameplay System Updates
Several systems throughout the game have been updated with new quality-of-life (QOL) features:
- Reworked Class Unlock System - Classes are now unlocked by discovering a traveler class "memory" somewhere in the Hollow. A class unlock is surrounded by a low-floating pink mist and a skeleton donning the armor and items of the fallen traveler.
- Updated Key System - Keys are no longer dropped upon a traveler's death. Keys are tied to the Holomento and follow the next traveler until they can find the door that they unlock. Keys have also been updated visually when picked up.
- Updated Obelisks - Obelisks have been updated visually and are now located in pre-determined semi-permanent locations throughout the world.
- Improved Signage - Signs have been added throughout the Hollow to help improve a traveler's sense of direction and relative location in the world
- Elevators - New visuals, added dust bursts when arriving at destinations, fixed issues with pulling levers while elevators were already moving
New Alchemist Class
The Alchemist Class is a plague-doctor-inspired class featuring a new thrown weapon type: Potion bombs!
- Potion Bombs - These explosive jars are filled with a travelers favorite elemental chemical stew and explode upon impact dealing AOE damage to all nearby enemies.
- Alchemist Armor - Like every other Traveler class, the Alchemist brings a new set of armor with 5 upgrade levels for each piece.
- Discovery - The Alchemist Class unlock can be found somewhere within one of the new region of the Eventide Hollow.
Frigid Fjord
The Frigid Fjord has been re-imagined as a brand new region with many features and areas including:
- Fjordhome - This quaint fishing village on the far southwestern shores of the Hollow is home to penguins and tree-ent-like folks. Upgrading Fjordhome will reward travelers with stone and wood supplies as well as a bustling market with potions and items.
- Frigid Fort - This large fortress sits atop the hills in the Southeast reaches of the Frigid Fjord. Conquering this fortress will enable travelers to journey more directly through the Frigid Fjord without having to pass through the Eventide Pass.
- Frigid Ruins - This mini-boss arena sits at the far Northwest edge of the Fjord on the edge of the sea. Defeating the mini-boss here grants access to the central coastal region of the Hollow.
- Ice Palace - The entrance to the Ice Palace lies in the southern region of the Frigid Fjord and can only be accessed after working cooperatively with the mysterious Cossar Pol.
Ice Palace Dungeon
The Ice Palace Dungeon is the latest dungeon to sprout up in the Eventide Hollow. With a focus on platforming and puzzle elements, the Ice Dungeon sets itself apart from all others we've released so far. With two distinct paths forward and a focus on verticality, the Ice Palace presents itself as a monumental climb for any travelers brave enough to make the journey.
Enemy and Boss Updates
New Dungeon Boss - Jotu the Unseely King
The Unseely Ice King lurks deep within the frozen spires of the Ice Palace. Wielding a menacing whip-sword combo, this large frosty foe showcases the new enemy AI attack system through several might whip and sword slashes.
New Enemy Functions
To improve engagement and combat dynamics, most enemies now have advanced functionality in their attack animations improving:
- Player Tracking - enemies will now track a traveler more accurately during attack animations
- Dynamic Attack Movement - enemies can now move towards, away, through and around a traveler during any attack animation
- Telegraphed Attacks - most enemies now have improved attack telegraphing to better indicate when they will strike and what kind of attack it will be.
- Variable Animation Speed - attacks now have adjusted attack animation speed based on the size and tier of the enemy.
New Enemy Attacks
- Sword & Shield enemy variants now have "gap closers", dynamic shield blocking, ranged attacks and "gap increasers"
- Twinsword enemy variants now have strafing, sidestep dodges (side flips), "gap closers", "gap increasers" and dash attacks
- Spear enemy variants now have AOE "gap closers", "gap increasers" and ranged "hitscan" attacks
- Greatsword enemy variants now have "gap-closing combos", ranged attacks, ranged attack deflection and AOE "gap closers"
New Enemies
- Sword & Shield Armored Skele - A new Tier 2 Skele that's more powerful than a regular Sword & Shield Skele but not quite as strong as Dark Knights wielding Swords & Shields
- Twinsword Armored Skele - A new Tier 2 Skele that's more powerful than a regular Twinsword Skele but not quite as strong as Dark Knights wielding Twinswords
- Spear Armored Skele - A new Tier 2 Skele that's more powerful than a regular Spear Skele but not quite as strong as Dark Knights wielding Spears
- Greatsword Armored Skele - A new Tier 2 Skele that's more powerful than a regular Greatsword Skele but not quite as strong as Dark Knights wielding Greatswords
Overhauled Many Existing Enemies
- Necromancer Skeles
- Sword & Shield Skele
- Twinsword Skele
- Spear Skele
- Greatsword Skele
- Archer Skele
- Sword+Shield Dark Knight
- Twinsword Dark Knight
- Spear Dark Knight
- Drake Hunter
- Wolves
- Giant Skele
- Armored Wyrm
- Watcher Beetle
- Scorpic Stone
- Hornets
- Plant Spitters
- Plant Roots
Reworked Minibosses
- Cha Demon - The Cha Demon has received a new look, animations and attack patterns. The Demon is much more aggressive and leaves few openings for attack.
- Royal Knights - Royal Knights are now mini-bosses that share many characteristics and attack patterns as their less powerful Dark Knight counterparts.
- Updated fall damage system to be "total distance fallen" based instead of velocity based. Scaled fall damage with a curve with key heights based on several locations throughout the Hollow.
- The fall damage curve is applied as follows: 12m: 0%, 18m: 25%, 24m: 50%, 32m: 85%, 36m: 95%, 40m: 100%
- Consolidated materials for static meshes throughout several regions
- Added new material functions to smoothly and efficiently blend between different static meshes
- Fixed several performance issues found in the enemy AI logic
- Fixed performance issues in Eventide Pass caused by bad pathfinding routes
- Fixed dialogue issues for most regions including Autumn Forest, Central Valley, Dragon Bone Desert, East Valley, Eventide Pass, Frigid Fjord, Lush Valley and Tori Jin Temple.
- Fixed several bugs with the Evenfall questline to ensure it works properly and upgrades correctly
- Fixed Artimus Museum / Evenfall dialogue
- Fixed upper Guild NPCs: Added dialogue, passive dialogue and updated static meshes
- Fixed Geist, Estrela and Boone dialogue
- Finished Toukie's dialogue in several locations
- Fixed Tori-Jin Temple Town dialogue
- Fixed "Turtle Rock" dialogue
- Updated Frigid Fjord Traveler Camp Passive Dialogue
- Fixed Hornet healthbar and lockon location
- Fixed stairs to the Eventide Pass Bridge key (in the fort) that had bad collision
- Fixed wolf performance that was adversely affected by avoidance
- Added collision checks for enemy jump forward, back, lerp towards and away from player during attacks
- Fixed plant root death sometimes not animating
- Fixed plant spitter death animation being reset to base pose
- Fixed a bug where falling from ragdoll height into water would make you ragdoll and break fly high into the air
- Reduced Archer "tell" SFX to a maximum distance of 30m
- Fixed several issues with loading screens being inconsistent
- Loading screens now smoothly fade in and blur the screen before smoothly fading out
- Fixed a bug where the guild upgrades wouldn't properly work
- Fixed a bug when you attack Skeleton Archers with the bow before they aggro (very long range) and kill them, they sometimes do not despawn but lose their head, keep attacking you and become untargetable (their collider stays) EDIT: Happened with the ice cannons as well
- Fixed a bug where reloading (and respawning) either completely despawns enemies if they had aggro on you before (always) or, if not, removes their collider and aggro zone (sometimes, happens more often with melee enemies?) until you run through/past them (might be related to your "respawning properly reset enemy spawners" issue)
- Fixed stair collision issues throughout the Hollow
- Fixed a bug where Black Knights would cancel animations and reset their HP, also seen a few times with partially black-armored skeletons (dual wield) - really frustrating since it can take a while to defeat them and they just reset
- Fixed some potential full-game freezes throughout Eventide Pass and Frigid Fjord
- Fixed a bug where opening the second Frozen Palace gate together with Cossar Pol results in the camera being stuck in cinematic mode
- Fixed a bug where the camera position of the last dialog entry with Artimus was below ground
- Fixed a bug where you could not autotarget melee attacks against mortars
- Fixed a bug where falling down would sometimes cause a "rocket-ragdoll" into the air
- Fixed a bug where after opening the gate for Cossar Pol, pressing E re-triggers his dialogue even though he's not next to the gate anymore. Happens again when talking to him in Fjordhome. Saving and reloading fixes this!
- Fixed a bug in the Eventide Pass where the lift would not move when the lever is activated
- Fixed a bug where you could get stuck behind the bridge gate at Greatwood Crossing
- Fixed a bug in the Frigid Fjord where enemies could get stuck in ground underneath several stairs
- Fixed a trigger area to interact with a door in the Frigid Fjord that was too short
- Fixed a bug with an elevator where it would only activate after pulling the lever twice in the Frigid Fjord
- Fixed issues with missing collisions in the “Mayor’s Retreat”
- Fixed issues with entrances / exits connecting the Cistern with Eventide Hills are not linked up to the right locations
- Fixed several bugs with colliders that were too big in the Eventide Pass, Frigid Fjord and Ice Palace
- Fixed a hole in the map in the Autumn Forest
- Added additional collision checks for fishing, guaranteeing that the player could no longer try and fish outside of water
- Fixed a missing re-director orb in the Autumn Forest
- Fixed a bug where pulling an elevator's lever while it's moving up causes the platform to despawn/reset to the ground abruptly
- Fixed a bug where the player could fall through several bridges throughout the world
- Fixed several bugs with grindrails throughout the world
- Fixed several puzzles that could now be circumvented by jumping
- Fixed a bug where bee hives sometimes wouldn't spawn
- Fixed a bug where some invisible walls would unintentionally block projectiles
- Fixed a bug where some skeleton archers had no hitboxes
- Fixed a bug where archers would never lose aggro on the player
- Fixed a bug where HP bar of aggroed enemies which fled can be seen across map
- Fixed dialogue where after the Mayor returned to town, Magic Smith Ako has brackets in their dialogue text box
- Fixed a bug where Toukie's text had some property/styling issues
- Fixed a bug where dialogue responses would sometimes be doubled up
- Fixed several NPCs that had "example passive text" throughout the game
- Fixed a bug where the Spa Clerk options were incorrect and reversed
- Fixed a bug where all fish are called "Fish Name" in some regions
- Fixed a bug where holding left click when using a Talisman causes the dual-wielding black knight to do endless side-flips
Changed files in this update