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Hazeron Starship update for 8 March 2024

2024-03-07 Memory Usage, Item Models, Little Things, Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 13675570 · Last edited 8 March 2024 – 00:19:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Memory Usage
I did an analysis of the memory used by the program to determine if there was any significant leakage or overuse.

All the big memory consumers in the game were accounted for. There were a few surprises. 

It surprised me that initializing the OpenAL sound system used up 500MB of memory. That was simply initializing the system, without loading any of my own sound files.

It also surprised me that each atom manager used 100MB of memory. They contain very few variables and a couple of thread objects. I presume the thread objects were responsible for the overhead. You can control the number of these. The default on my system was 10, which used up 1GB of memory.

I loaded a game that has several cities in multiple solar systems, with spacecraft flying around harvesting things. This game ran all night long. In the morning the overall memory usage was not significantly higher than when I went to bed. I do not believe there is a memory leak, at least not a large one.

As a game develops, memory usage soon approaches 4GB resident, with that much or more in virtual memory. A 32 bit computer can only address up to 4GB of memory so I decided not to bother building a 32 bit version of the game after the update today. Today's update will be the last 32 bit build unless someone speaks up.

Item Models
A few commodity items did not have models to represent them in the game. Some items needed an update to their model.

These things now have new or updated 3D models.

  • Adamantine
  • Adamantite
  • Blueprints
  • Borexino Precipitate
  • Certificate for Spacecraft Title
  • Computer
  • Dynamite
  • Gold
  • Gold Ore
  • Gold Ring
  • Ice Cream
  • Microscope
  • Myrasplicer
  • Nanopath Calibrator
  • Nuclear Fuel Rod
  • Plutonium
  • Red, Green and Blue Binders
  • Storage Crystal
  • Tesloid Dissipator
  • Thumb Drive

Dynamite Fuse
It would be fun if the dynamite looked lit.

Dynamite fuse now has a burning sprite when lit and when carried as your current item. It also emits light.

Smoke in Dynamite Crater Not Toxic
I created a few craters with dynamite. The smoke inside was not toxic.

Fixed an altitude bug that affected craters that were some distance above sea level.

Building Under Construction Bug
Airport was under construction. I could open the front door and walk inside.

Fixed. Building controls no longer respond until the building construction is completed.

Building Page Update Bug
Current item selection is lost on the Building page when it updates anything.


Store Page Update Bug
Store page loses current item selection if the item list updates.


Vegemite should be added as a commodity.

Done. I'm afraid the process for making it isn't very accurate as we do not have brewer's yeast as a commodity. I substituted beer since that at least requires a brewer.

Sensor Bug
The officer decided to attack an asteroid far out in deep space. I could not see it on the sensor screen. How did he know it was there?

The ship I was aboard had a huge sensor range. Fixed sensor station maximum range to accommodate sensor range of the ship.

Sensor Lock On Bug
Sensor lock on reticle is red when locked onto an asteroid. When I switch to the command station the reticle turns blue and loses its target.


Asteroid Dust
Approaching an asteroid, the dust cloud sprites are small until I get close then they fill the area like they are supposed to.


Asteroid Approach
Crew does a really bad job of approaching an asteroid when told to attack. They fall in behind it and pace it too far away to fire at it.


Pilot Stop Bug
Pilot used to just coast ahead when mission was stopped. Now he turns the ship. This is annoying. I want to shoot the pilot.


Aquatic Plant Fade
Aquatic plants should not fade into view like surface plants. The alpha blend doesn't work with the water and it makes a sudden black spot instead. That is distracting.


Door Button Icon
When I look at a door on a ship or building an on-screen button appears to operate the door. It would be nice if the icon on the button matched the type of door I am looking at.


Linux 64-bit Depot 2239525
  • Loading history…
Windows 64-bit Depot 2239526
  • Loading history…
Unused Depot 2239527
  • Loading history…
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