Hello Toasters!
Version 0.4.0 has been on the furnace for a while and it is time to finally push this version to live
This version includes a lot of new additions, QOL improvements, bug fixes and removal of some weapons.
So lets start now and go trough the list of changes!
The game has been receiving updates regarding it's look, changes improve visibility while reducing screen flashing caused by weapons
They have skulls?
Characters will now have a visible skull behind the visor
Players can choose to have opaque visors that fully hide the skull or full on remove the visor to fully show them.
Raven's New Armor
Raven has received a new set of armor, this armor set is based on her old design
And yes the armor can be equipped by players
Cosmetic Materials
Different materials can be selected for cosmetics.
These can range from a undersuit on the body to horns that can produce light.
Player damage has been changed
Weapon damage has received a full rework
Weapons wont deal bonus damage to players as long as they have shields, this means that head shot damage wont apply unless a sniper rifle is used or player shields have been destroyed
Due to this, weapon time to kill has been increased
Now we move to the list format
- Added bananas to some maps, can you find them all?
- First and third-person animation systems has received a major re-do
- Game now render outlines
- Player ragdolls have receive a major rewrite
- New animation system for dying players
- Added single player enemies
- Added WIP single player mission Insertion
- Added banana collectibles
- Added the ability to select materials for certain cosmetic items
- Added the ability for players to activate a low-ready mode for weapons
- Raven has received new armor
- Loading screens have been added to the game
- New weapon sounds
- Support for layered sounds on weapons
- Kill feed will now show weapon icons
- Added confirmation menu for destroying loadouts
- Characters will now have a visible skull trough the visor
- Added surrender emote
- Added med-shot weapon for single player missions
- Added new grenade weapon for single player missions
- Improved particle effects on jump pack
- Added notification messages for player made actions
- Chat messages will play a notification sound
- Added new customization options
It breaks my heart to announce the following
- Tactical weapon slot was removed
- Removed Nate announcer
- Removed mission control announcer
- Some music tracks were removed
- Arc sword was removed
- Engine sword was removed
- Toaster melee weapon was removed
- Claws melee weapon was removed
- Flamethrower was removed
- Heal cannon was removed
- Some placeholder arms were removed
- Weapon slots were rearranged
- Updates to UI
- Updates to several animations
- Major weapon re-balance
- AT Sniper no longer uses explosive rounds
- Increased time to kill on all the weapons
- Weapon FOV can no longer be adjusted
- Major optimization passes to increase performance
- Tweaks to raven's dialogue
- Music tracks got updated
- Improvements to weapon hit-scan
- Improvements to quick melee system
- Tons of changes to game-mode settings
- Improved mouse sensitivity when aiming weapons
- Improvements to customization system
- Improvement to character models
- Overall improvements to systems
- Armored shoulder piece can now change colors
Bug Fixes
- Fixes to origin rebasing issues
- Fixes Crash upon closing the game
- Fixed shield and health regeneration activating upon player death
- Fixed helmet HUD showing on the menu
- Fixes to player shields not showing properly
- Fixed spectator drone being able to grab weapons
- Fixed weapons floating on the world and not getting cleaned
- Performance improvements to weapon loading
- Performance improvements to player loading
- Fixed typos on UI areas
- Fixes to player management systems
Game wont run properly on old hardware
Game may suffer from initial loading stutter issues
Game may suffer performance drops with high player counts
Our Patrons
Game development is our passion and every ounce of support helps
Changed files in this update