Hey Folks!
Ostranauts v0.13.0.17 is now available on Steam, and your clients should be updating shortly.
This is a hotfix update to our recently released "Lucky Number 13" update, which adds a new maintenance tech to OKLG, fixes a few UI bugs, and updates the splash screens.
Most of these changes should be compatible with older 0.13 saves. Though if that save has already had errors, some of those errors may continue until a new game is started.
- Added a maintenance tech person to OKLG that will occasionally appear to patch, repair, and restore items on the station (in that order).
- Added the ability for maintenance tech to remove corpses.
- Added the ability for maintenance tech to refill canisters.
- Changed AI pilots to cause fewer collisions with players that are trying to dock to another ship.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the game to get stuck when using the ship broker.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the station refueling kiosk to have errors if the player had no ship docked.
- Fixed a bug that showed expand/collapse arrow in trade rows for empty containers.
- Changed the content warnings screen to include other potentially sensitive topics.
- Changed the logo splash screen to reflect Ostranaut's new self-publishing status.
- Changed the game credits screen to auto-scroll, since it was getting too big to fit.
One of the more exciting changes in this patch is the new maintenance tech! OKLG station now has a maintenance tech that will occasionally spawn, and walk around fixing things.
They will patch holes first, then repair broken things, then restore things, in that order. They can also dispose of corpses, and refill canisters. They might not be able to reach all their jobs, and they cannot rebuild missing things. But it should hopefully be a good step forward towards a longer-lived station!
The tech can also move around to other stations, and if they are OKLG-owned, they will be fixed, too.
We also made some changes to the way AI pilots work so that they would avoid clobbering players who are in the middle of docking with another ship. There are likely still other cases we'll have to guard against, but this should be a solid step towards fewer accidents.
We fixed an issue that caused the ship broker UI to clog the game and make it unplayable. Usually this happened when the player sold the ship before the UI finished loading, or other similar case where the ship no longer existed.
The station refuel and trade UIs also had some edge cases fixed.
Finally, we made a few changes to our splash screens.
First, our time working with Modern Wolf on Ostranauts has come to an end, and BBG is now self-publishing Ostranauts. It's been incredible working with their team, and we truly couldn't have gotten this far without Modern Wolf. We wish them the best in their future endeavors!
We also decided to update our photosensitivity warning page to include a few other content warnings that are relevant to a procedurally-generated game with mature content.
As always, there's plenty more for us to fix, change, and add! And we'll be continuing in roughly that order. In the meantime, let us know if this patch helps you out, as well as if it reveals new problems!
Daniel Fedor
Founder, Blue Bottle Games, LLC
Changed files in this update