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Vault of the Void update for 7 March 2024

Update #66: New Specs, Challenge Coins and Balance Changes!

Share · View all patches · Build 13674200 · Last edited 7 March 2024 – 21:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello everyone! Very excited today to present the latest update for Vault, this time, geared towards newer and older players alike! Throughout the last few months, Vault has undergone a massive transformation to broaden the audience, with mobile progress still underway (more on that soon!). However, I really wanted to spend some time with some awesome new content for our current long timers as well! The team have been hard at work, so let's dive into what we have.

New Spec for Each Class!

That's right! Now, when you head to the character select screen, you’ll have the option to choose a brand new spec! To unlock the spec, you’ll need to earn a 300k total score playing the first two specs -- wins or losses, they all count! Once unlocked, the new specs feature a collection of old cards and some new ones as well, all with their own focus area for players to enjoy!

I hope you all have a blast with these new specs, and enjoy some new synergies and fun that comes with it.

New Challenge Coins

In addition to the exciting new specs, we also have 4 new Challenge Coins for you all to enjoy -- new ways to play the game, and some new Achievements to earn as well! I hope you enjoy them!

Balance Updates

Lots of balance changes which have been queued up over the last few months -- thank you all for your feedback! Discord is the best place to join the discussion, and Dabor has been hosting daily Card and Artifact discussions which all help contribute to our process, alongside the game data! I’ve listed all these below for you to dive through.

Event Cardbacks

In case you missed it, in the previous update, there was some amazing feedback from players that helped me understand some of the concerns around timed events. I appreciate so much that everyone could give feedback and suggestions in such a civil way, and it made me rethink the way these are served, based on the concerns. As I mentioned in the comments, the process we've implemented now is that if you miss these event cardbacks, they can now be purchased in the Unlocks screen, at just a slightly higher price than others. Both the Treasure Goblin and Chinese New Year card backs are now available for purchase for those who missed it! A great solution, thank you all so much for your feedback!

Mobile Testing

We should have an announcement coming in the next few weeks about Mobile Testing. We’re getting a few tweaks and changes made, please join Discord to be the first to know how to get your hands on this awesome new way to play!

As always, thank you so much for all the positive feedback and support for Vault. Every lovely comment and review helps fuel the team here to keep pushing. We're excited for Mobile, and we're also in the process of getting fully verified for Steam Deck as well. There's lots of new things on the horizon, and I hope you enjoy what we've prepared today!

All for now,

  • Josh
New Content
  • New Spec for Each Class: 8 new class stater Cards, 4 new starting Spells, and 2 new starting Zeal power for Tempest! Earn 300K void points using other specs of the class to unlock
  • 1 New Card: Mana Surge
  • 1 New Artifact: Fading Ember
  • 4 New Challenge Coins
  • Well of Stars: add two new Promises
Balance Updates
  • Obscure Trench Bug: no longer add Beetle Stone to expel cards
  • Carrying Case: only works with non-Volatile cards
  • Recycling Bin: now Daughter only
  • Synthetic Stone: can only trigger its effect up to 4 times each turn
  • Cultist Ward: now Tempest only
  • Barbed Wand: now grant Vulnerable 2 to the highest HP enemy instead of random enemy
  • Squid Stance: is now Uncommon
  • Lick the Knife: now Clot 2 to Rebound
  • Surprise Attack: reduce damage to 7 (Weak) + 12 (after Vulnerable) from 9 + 14
  • Unleash Darkness: Discard to gain 2 Corruption only takes effect when player has 15 or less corruption, reduced from 20
  • Cursed Shield: AOE damage reduced to 2(3) from 3(4)
  • Plunge: Rework card. Now reads: Gain X Corruption. Block 2(3), X times. When played, if your Threat is over X times 2(3), Trigger +1.
  • Hold Firm: Minor rework to use similar wording as Plunge. Now reads: Block 11(15). Next card played will cost 1 more. When played, if your Threat is over 11(15), Trigger +1.
  • Aegis of Ifraem: Now reads: Gain 1 charge each time you play an Attack card. If you have 7 or more charges, playing a Block when you have 15 or more threat card will cause it to Trigger +1 and consume 7 charges. Max 21 charges.
  • Wrath: now cost 2 voids when embrace your sins in new runs
Bug Fixes / Quality of Life
  • Reduce tooltip motion
  • Currently equipped potion will show tooltips when hovered with a controller
  • Cards, Artifacts, and Spells in Compendium will always show undiscovered tooltip, clarifying you should play a card or cast a spell to unlock it
  • Enemy tooltips will no longer cover battle progress but display on the side
  • In deck manager, save deck buttons will correctly show last saved time
  • Scoutlight will no longer turn on/off immune when a card is resolving
  • Simulation now works on block, delay block, and fortitude break
  • Fix effect of "killing an enemy" triggers when enemy suicide
  • Fix after using Route Planner, some map tiles would stop showing tooltips
  • Fix tooltip card positions when hovering on a card or artifact with more than 1 tooltip card
  • Fix "Balanced" keyword may not take effect in certain translations
  • Fix "When played" tip is spreading misleading information
  • Apply future strike when vulnerable will now correctly show yellow portion of enemy HP bar
  • Improve Zeal screen to show each Zeal power as "Zeal 3" "Zeal 5" instead of "Zeal 3/5". Compendium screen is unchanged
  • Reword Artifact and Spell undiscovered tooltip
  • Click on "New Deckback Unlock" popup now has visual effect to indicate cardback is equipped
  • Attempt to clarify Infecti passive: Infestation. Regardless how many of Infecti is alive, only one Infection card is added each turn, and each Infection draw only increase AP once
  • Limited time Deckbacks are available to be purchased from unlock
  • Playing a hexed card with Tempest now correctly checks Zeal powers when spending energy
  • Free promises in Well of Stars now have visual clues when player has Silver Medal to spend
  • Limit no longer spawns in Menagerie Challenge Coin runs (existing runs will work with Limit correctly capping Soultithe to 13)
  • Mute in background no longer cut music tracks in the middle
  • Steam achievement "Taking Home Some Hardware" (50 Challenge Coin Medals) now correctly tracks progress (after completing a challenge coin run)

Changed depots in internal branch

View more data in app history for build 13674200
Windows Vault of the Void Beta Depot 1135812
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