This is a small update to fix a few things from the latest release.
- The Palace is more difficult to complete than intended. To fix this, the final boss has had its health reduced, and the number of minions it spawns is reduced as well. The final boss sequence is also now set-up as optional - the Palace will be marked as completed for purposes of Quests if you survive the 20 minutes, even if the final boss was not killed.
- Make treasure chests move out of walls, if they spawned there. This issue was made more apparent by the larger walls of the Palace. This fix makes it so you'll always be able to access a chest that drop.
- Adjust the Bandages and Magnet to be more powerful. These were nerfed as a side effect of switching from multiplicative to additive scaling, which wasn't the intention.
- Fix a bug where the end round timer was sometimes over 20 minutes.
- Fix a bug with Phoenixes were there was way more spawning than intended. An extra phoenix was getting spawned every time a phoenix egg hatched.
- Fix the rotation of a chunk in the underground that accidentally got spun around.
- Fix the damage of the roman candle weapon. It's damage was accidentally set to low after the most recent balance pass.
- Fix a bug where Javelin bonus damage was getting added multiple times when it should not have been, when multiple Javelins all hit at once.
Thanks for playing Orc Survivor!
Changed files in this update