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Lost Life : Origins update for 7 March 2024

πŸ“ˆ Lost Life Origins Progress (23.12.23-07.03.24) πŸ“†

Share Β· View all patches Β· Build 13673960 Β· Last edited 7 March 2024 – 21:09:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

🚨 Progress Report. 🚨
πŸ“ˆ Lost Life Origins Progress (23.12.23-07.03.24) πŸ“†
(Steam - v15)
β–ͺ Unreal Engine 5.3.2
πŸ›  Update to Unreal Engine 5.3.2
πŸ›  Many small bug fixes.
πŸ›  UI/HUD improvements and fixes.
πŸ›  Ice World 01 HDRI fix.
πŸ›  Ice World 01 Collision Fix.
πŸ›  Achievement UI prototype. (Even though I made progress on the achievement system, I decided to scrap it for now and focus on other tasks.)
πŸ›  Some translation errors fixes.
πŸ›  Act 3 test location.
πŸ›  Weapon hit indicator.
πŸ›  AI improvements.
πŸ›  Some voice lines were attached to wrong sound volume sliders.
πŸ›  Mansion secret door button moved to a table drawer because many players couldn't find it behind the painting.
β€Ό There were a lot more changes, but I forgot to document some of them...

πŸ“‹ Next on the list :
β–ͺ Bug fix, quality improvements...
β–ͺ Act 3.

β€Ό I apologize for lack of updates in past months. There were some stability issues that cause constant crashes and made the game unplayable. Now looks like that bug is fixed.
β€Ό In past months, I've been thinking a lot about the future of the project, story, concept of act 3 and game in general.
One of possible directions of the game will be adding multiplayer with survival co-op mode that will expand the world and lore of the game.
Act 1 and 2 is pretty big but with act 3 planned to be 4 times bigger with even more unique monsters. So, exploring it in co-op mode may give a really interesting online experience, while I work on new story elements for single player mode.

β€Ό Feel free to share your thoughts/ideas in comments, on discord or my Saturday GameDev live streams on YouTube.

And as always, thank you all for your support! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ

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