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DeadOS update for 7 March 2024

Version 0.21.2 is now live!

Share · View all patches · Build 13673121 · Last edited 8 March 2024 – 00:33:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

I haven't had much chance to work on DeadOS this week as I've had to deal with a bunch of boring IRL things (we are having our kitchen replaced) but I've squeezed a few new features into an update for you this week.

Players can now repeatedly click on a pile of corpses on the floor and the selection will cycle through each corpse where previously they were not selectable. This allows people to figure out how many corpses are on the ground and also select specific units on the ground.

I've also made a change to the Military AI where they put a higher priority to finding ammo when they have run out by scavenging corpses. Cops + Civilians already had this priority but it's been given to military as well.

I want to talk a little about future updates as I've been doing some planning in that regard. I've recently changed to using new software to plan out my AI decision making to help come up with decisions on how to improve it:

I'm thinking that I need to improve how civilians act when they are hiding as at the moment they only hide very simply. I am thinking that civilians will think about their homes and possibly other civilians that live in the same place (family?) and how they may prioritize those. I would also like them to try and find a police officer or reach the police station.

If you have ideas about how you want civilians to react in the apocalypse let me know!

Thanks for playing!

DeadOS Content Depot 1590851
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