We're still making some minor tweaks to the time of day lighting system in response to player feedback and in preparation for our upcoming night time survival content!
➡️ Changes
- Night time has been shortened (starts at 7:00-7:30PM instead of 6:00PM)
- Pitch black lighting pushed back to midnight instead of 11:00PM
- Pitch black lighting time no longer reduces render distance to 80 units (you can see much farther during pitch black time)
- Night time brightness increased slightly
- Sun stays higher for longer periods of time
- Sunrise and sunset blends from sun/moon improved
- Mounted AK47 Outlaw Boar Riders now have reload times but shoot faster and do not automatically aggro on you in the Desert anymore
🛠️ General Fixes
- Fixed another exception with police system targeting an AI that was already despawned
- Ambient light is now interpolated
- Fixed Copper not spawning in the Crater
- Fixed Zena's key card not spawning in crates in Zena's Trenches
Changed files in this update