We have just released a new update for ChilloutVR on the Stable branch.
Major Changes:
A new way for players to create, move, and interact with Worlds and Props
Accessibility Settings are available for a more comfortable and tailored experience
The Gravity Zone component will be freely available for creators in the Content Creation Kit
Camera Indicator
A Camera lens has been added to indicate where a remote players camera is
Nameplate Customization is available as a Graphics Settings
Better Cache Management
All content Cache has been moved to a unified directory
Now limited to 20GB
New Character Controller
Physics based controller that allows for object collision where possible
Adjusted automatic step height to take avatar height into account
Improved Holoport to allow both the local and remote users to see smooth player movement
Desktop IK
Animated and realistic leg movement for Desktop players
First Person Render Exclusion Component
Show objects that would normally be hidden from your first person view, such as hair, hats, and accessories.
Note: Currently incompatible with the experimental Visual Clone setting
BodyControl StateBehaviour
Allows for better tracking control over parts of the IK solver of an avatar in specific cases
The following can be toggled: Head, Pelvis, Left/Right Arm, Left/Right Leg, and Locomotion
Refactored Avatar Eye Movement
Eye movement is now much more reliable, consistent, and adheres to set limits
A new setting is available to force all subjects to look at the Portable Camera when held
New Shadow Clone Implementation
Reworked the local player Shadow Clone utilizing new tech afforded to us with the update to Unity 2021.
It now respects Unity/Magica Cloth & material swaps, while also being more performant.
Experimental Visual Clone Alternative
Available under Experimental settings, this idea builds off of the same tech as the new Shadow Clones.
Turns the local player into a "Visual Clone", which is basically a Shadow Clone, but visible in first person, and does head-hiding within the same pass.
Voice Audio and Attenuation Improvements
Improvements in voice stability and reconnection handling
New Focus Attenuation settings including: Nearby, Speaker, Forward, Backward, and Angle adjustment
libVLC Implementation
Alternative experimental rendering method for videos
Enable using the --enable-libvlc launch option
Experimental support for Virtual Desktop OpenXR
Allows native Quest hand tracking to be use with CVR on PCVR
How to use:
- Enable the OpenXR runtime for ChilloutVR using the launch option
in Steam - Enable Forward tracking data to PC in the Streaming tab of Virtual Desktop
- Set the OpenXR Runtime in the Virtual Desktop Streamer to VDXR
- Launch ChilloutVR from Virtual Desktop’s Game tab
Note: This implementation is still a work in progress in both Virtual Desktop and ChilloutVR. Experiences may vary as this feature is further developed.
Technical Changelog:
Added Automatic Role Assignment IK calibration option
- With this enabled, there is no need to select which tracker roles to calibrate in IK Tracking Settings
Added BodyControl StateBehaviour
Added Camera Lenses to indicate where remote player cameras are
- Camera nameplate behavior may be configured in the Graphics Settings
Added Camera setting to start Drone aligned with the Gravity (default)
Added Display FPR Exclusions option as expert Portable Camera setting
Added FBT toggle in Quick Menu
Added Drone Controls for controlling the roll
- Control the Drone roll in VR by holding right trigger, then moving the left thumbstick to either side
Added experimental libVLC video player as a launch option:
- This video player introduces a new decoding method that may currently be unstable
Added experimental support for Virtual Desktop OpenXR Runtime VDXR
Exposed First Person Render settings in new foldout on CVRAvatar component
Added fluid volume streams that affect players
- When being affected by multiple streams, it will average them out (fluid volumes without stream strength are ignored)
- The water drag is reduced when swimming in the same direction as the stream
Added Gravity Interaction setting to Dynamic Bone Interactions
Added General setting to change Main Menu anchor behavior in VR
- If enabled, the main menu will maintain its position in the world when open
- If disabled, the main menu will maintain its position in your VR playspace when open (default)
- Existing users will be unaffected from this new default behavior
Added new FPRExclusion CCK component
Place on a transform to have control over if the chain is visible or not in first person
This affects any SkinnedMeshRenderers or MeshRenderers using affected transforms
An FPRExclusion is automatically added to the avatars head bone if it does not exist
This allows you to specify your own FPRExclusion to take control over this behavior
Added player Gravity Rotation Setting
Added size-related blending for box gravity corners
Added sliding footstep pass to IK to prevent huge steps when being pushed/pulled
Avatar Overrender UI experimental setting now has basic support for UDIM discard (Poiyomi & Liltoon Standard)
Changed the default of Left and Right Ear Focus to false
Configurable Gravity Zone alignment speed
- Made camera Player Face Tracking respect the player orientation
Exposed WorldAnchorMenu option under General settings
- You may uncheck it to have the Main Menu anchored to you
Implemented new Focus Mode Attenuation and Settings (Special Thanks to Nirvash :D)
- Nearby Focus
- Speaker Focus
- Forward Focus
- Backward Focus
- Ear Focus Angle
Implemented a new Shadow Clone solution for the local player avatar
- Shadow Clone is now more performant, especially while using the Avatar Overrender UI option
- Shadow Clone now displays Magica Cloth & Unity Cloth properly
- Shadow Clone now displays material-based toggles properly (ex: UDIM discard)
Implemented an experimental Visual Clone solution for the local player avatar
- This solution can provide even more of a performance improvement depending on the avatar, and can be enabled under Experimental settings
- Includes the improvements of the new Shadow Clone solution mixed into an alternative method of head-hiding
- There is no more explicit shadow clone, but instead a “visual clone” that you now see in first person- i.e. you are now the clone, and your true-self is only visible in your reflection
Improved Zero Gravity Controls
Increased deceleration while swimming
New Formula for Calculating Attenuation
Orbit World Space on Orbit Mode is now false by default
Prevent toggling crouch when using the Drone Camera
Implemented AdditiveContentScene to house Players, Props, and Portals so they can be easily differentiated from world objects
Implemented Flight without No-Clip
Implemented Include Mature Content search option
Implemented login in VR (takes you to the login Room)
- Logging out will take you into the Login Room instead of exiting the game
Implemented new HUD Customization option to Fade When Idle in Graphics Setting
Implemented new TransformHiderManager
- Reworked legacy head-hiding to allow for runtime toggling
Implemented VRIK for Desktop avatars, configurable in IK Solver Settings Desktop subcategory
- Animation position correction & diving pitch control will also now affect Desktop avatars
Made HUD shard pulse rate increase briefly when an update is received
- This should help signify which shard received an update when stacked
Added cooldown to search refresh of 3 seconds
Added distance limit to QM reposition mode (1m scaled)
Added isValidForVrIk check before attempting to initialize IK for an avatar
Added the default avatar/world as fallbacks when failing to load into an avatar/world
Added vehicle boost control to XR Input module (right thumbstick forward)
Adjusted “cannot spawn prop” notification to be different for Local & Network users
- Added HUD config to disable network user prop blocked notification
Adjusted controller disconnect to disable IK for that hand
- Behaviour can be disabled with the FreezeControllerOnDisconnect IK setting
Added CVRAudioDriver methods to AnimationEvent whitelist
Adjusted default smooth turn speed to 50
Adjusted “Disabled” Head Bobbing mode to change HeadIKTarget parent while on Desktop
Adjusted Head Ray to only enable if both controllers are not tracking
Adjusted intercollision logic, so collider on sub gameObjects from Humanybody bones should be counted as such (e.g. bone on a child gameObject of the Hand should now be considered for hand placement and not only in Everything)
Adjusted MaxTrackerDistance to 0.5f from 1f (meters)
Adjusted menus to not be considered as world anchored while sitting
Adjusted menus to not close when forcefully respawned (Combat System / Respawn Plane)
Adjusted Opacity of Center Hex Hub on HUD
Adjusted OpenXR hand tracking
Adjusted PassPlayer layer to interact with IgnoreRaycast
Adjusted physics update rate on Desktop & OpenXR to match OpenVR default settings
Adjusted Portal/Prop Drop to place in front of you instead of in front of your view
Adjusted search box to immediately open to a details page when fed a proper GUID
- Valid prefixes are
with GUID postfix
- Valid prefixes are
Adjust Seated Play offset to 97% of height
Adjusted ShadowCloneManager to fallback if mesh topology is not set to triangles
Adjusted the max images to load in cohtml per animation frame to 25
Adjusted TransformHiderForMainCamera to hide unneeded clones when Avatar Overrender UI is disabled
Adjusted TransformHiderManager to disable head-hiding if the players camera is too far away (This should be a measurable improvement in performance)
- This replaces the explicit check for head-hiding to not run while in Holoport, as well as missing heads in VR while in chairs
Adjusted UI to be hidden in camera by default
Adjusted VR switching to recalibrate active avatar instead of reloading it
Adjusted world anchored menus to offset with the player when forcefully respawned or while on a movement parent
Adjusted world load to set respawn height below all spawns as a safety measure
Changed advanced tagging to be more accurate with the definition in the CCK
- Added missing "Loud Audio", "Long Range Audio", "Horror" mechanic for advanced tagging
Changed finger tracking sync to allow for more intricate movement
Changed IKCalibrationMode to be set to Full by default
Changed IKEnableUniversalCalibration & IKEnableSaveCalibration to be enabled by default
Cleaned up redundant "Enable" text for setting names in IK menu
Disabled physical interaction with the menus. This will need to be revisited later
Enforced faster updating of QM buttons such as Mute, Flight, Seated Play, etc…
Experimental option for small player collider was removed, and now the collider of the players will scale down to a minimum height of 0.05 units by default.
Improved the default placement and scale of the default placed pointers for humanoid avatars
Made Universal Calibration persist through restarts
- Reintroduces the previously unintended behavior present before when Saved & Universal calibration were enabled together
Moved Show HUD option to Graphics settings
Moved Smooth Mic Meter setting higher in the HUD Customizations section
Nameplate material and shader updates
- Adjusted nameplate up vector to align with playspace up
- Readded outline to nameplate username text to improve legibility
- Fixed culling of nameplates in mirrors
- Fixed nameplate behavior when camera forward aligned with player up vector
Portable Camera image processing rewrite
Rewrote Focus Attenuation
- Added Left and Right Ear Focus Customization
Rewrote Vivox Connection Handling and Persistence
Updated Magica Cloth 2 to 2.5.2
- Release Notes available here
Crouch and Prone should no longer affect the player capsule radius
Fixed 4pt being considered FBT on calibration
Fixed a few issues with VRIKRootController not respecting avatar up vector
Fixed an error when calling PlaySound on a CVRAudioDriver when its gameobject is disabled
Fixed an issue allowing you to calibrate up to 3x in a frame
Fixed an issue where avatar root would still have velocity despite solver Reset
Fixed an issue where active offset didn't account for root up vector
Fixed an issue where TTS Messages would continue playback after Communication Services connection loss
Fixed an issue where VR Switching would not Calibrate the player into FBT if available
Fixed an issue with certain props (like piano fall lol) not able to be dropped using the raycast
Fixed an issue with CVRBlitter running for each camera in the scene
Fixed an issue with CVRGameEventSystem.Microphone not being called
Fixed an issue with Interactable SpawnObject not being ran through the World Filter
Fixed an issue with Microphone appearing Unmuted in Menus while using TTS
Fixed an issue with Microphone not resetting to the proper Mute state after Reloading CoHTML
Fixed an issue with remote avatar visibility changes applying AAS buffer when not valid
Fixed an issue with selecting QM AAS Profiles causing the MM to display the AAS Settings page when next opened
Fixed an issue with SteamVR_RenderModel throwing an error when starting in VR
Fixed an issue with Vivox SetPosition being called too fast (now adjusted to 200ms)
Fixed an issue with world spawnables being eligible for deletion by user using Delete All Props button
Fixed any possibility of enabling Seated Play prior to calibration
Fixed applyOriginalHipRotation not being reset when toggling from FBT to Halfbody
Fixed Avatar Upright not accounting for avatar up vector
Fixed Avatars without CVRAvatar breaking the object loader
Fixed being able to grab the camera while scaling it
Fixed being able to sit down in disabled CVRSeat
Fixed Box Fluid Volume not respecting the placeFromCenter for physics influencers
Fixed calibrating in FBT while player was rotated
Fixed calibration mirror not scaling with avatar while in calibration mode
Fixed CameraAttachment VisualMod not being disabled on new world load
Fixed clapping disabling the camera indicator in the menu
Fixed ControllerRay line renderer being delayed a frame when interacting with the UI
Fixed ControllerRay line renderer being wrongfully affected by other objects when using UI
Fixed ControllerRay not calling OnPointerExit when no longer highlighting any other UI elements of the same type
Fixed CVRAttachment TrackerType.LeftHand & TrackerType.RightHand not using Controller transform
Fixed CVRAudioDriver erroring when setting a negative value
Fixed CVRGlobalMaterialPropertyUpdater child materials not being populated in worlds
Fixed CVRInteractable method call not being filtered when disabled
Fixed CVRObjectLoader destroying PlayerAvatar container instead of avatar itself if no CVRAvatar component is found
- Fixes avatars getting stuck at 0%
Fixed CVRParticleSound for local and custom space particles - Parent the CVRParticleAudio audio sources to the correct transform depending on the simulation space
- Fixes avatars getting stuck at 0%
Fixed CVRPickupObject not forcing a drop on disable
Fixed CVRVisemeController JawBone mode can break IK when not actually mapped
Fixed CVRXRModule_SteamVR.trackingValid being false while in SteamVR overlay
Fixed DroneMode from receiving input when CVRInputManager.inputEnabled is false
Fixed emotes not playing in the direction of your view
Fixed entering a seat causes you to get stuck in a falling animation sometimes
Fixed error about Update_Emotes() that always showed up when starting the game in VR
Fixed event filtering and instance id on video players
Fixed FBT limbs reverting to t-pose when IK for a limb was disabled
Fixed feet freaking out while on a movement parent that can rotate on every axis (e.g. a boat in water)
Fixed feet in Halfbody always pointing in direction of view
Fixed feet sliding when moving in your playspace while on a movement parent in Halfbody
Fixed Friends, Vote, and Invite HUD events being triggered constantly & while disabled
Fixed game menus colliding with PassPlayer and BlockPlayer layers
Fixed hang on Exit issue
Fixed height adjustment -+1 -+5 buttons from applying twice the values (while displaying it once)
Fixed hold and drag the scroll view to scroll
Fixed HUD opacity being applied twice
Fixed IKSolverVRSpine applying rootHeadingOffset with world up
Fixed IKSolverVRSpine.ApplyOffsets sending you to space when upside-down
Fixed interactable OnTimer action creating a timer for every other timer action
Fixed Interactable OnTimer action not stopping when component was disabled
Fixed Locomotion IK being enabled without checking Upright
Fixed Main & Quick Menus opening upside down when a MinimumMenuTilt was specified, and player was rotated
Fixed MaxTrackerDistance check not taking play space scale into account
Fixed menu not exiting head turn mode when sitting in a chair on Desktop
Fixed MetaPort.OnPostVRModeSwitch being called twice
Fixed mirror shaders not writing to depth
Fixed mouse cursor getting stolen on launch while in background / in VR
Fixed “None” Head Bobbing mode not returning to standing height when playing an emote
Fixed not being able to calibrate just one foot
Fixed not being able to calibrate without hip tracking being enabled
Fixed not being able to swim down using crouch if on the surface
Fixed not being centered in the initial Login scene in VR
Fixed occluded controllers being considered invalid and defaulting to one-handed mode
Fixed opening camera via menu or gesture not aligning with playspace up
Fixed OpenXR with index not working (can't move or use menus)
Fixed parameter stream LocalPlayerNameplatesEnabled so it respects the settings to only show when menu is opened, and also respect the world setting whether nameplates are enabled or not
Fixed PlayerAvatarPoint.GetPointPosition returning incorrect value when avatar was hidden
Fixed PortableCamera AutoFocus being occluded by layers it could not see
Fixed PortableCamera AutoFocus failing to get correct distance when attempting to focus on the players eyes
Fixed PortableCamera not being able to see PlayerClone layer (local player shadows)
Fixed PortableCamera Take Photo from receiving input when CVRInputManager.inputEnabled is false
Fixed prop details page displaying "Avatar"
Fixed prop drop button not being greyed out when you do not have access to the prop
Fixed prop list sub-category bottom margin
Fixed Props without CVRSpawnable being impossible to destroy (wrapper & primitives never unloaded)
Fixed PuppetMaster _initialAvatarHeight being incorrect when remote user was at an angle
Fixed RawLookVector being clamped on Y axis
- This fixes Look Y entry on CVRParameterStream
Fixed RCC AudioMixerGroup being set to worldSfx when component was not on same object as Spawnable component
Fixed running animations in FBT while swimming disabling leg IK when standing still
Fixed search cursor being forced to the beginning of the field
Fixed seated play breaking between Avatar switches
Fixed several Viseme issues
Fixed sitting in a chair from another chair to keep you in a falling state
Fixed some gestures not working when using quest controllers in OpenXR
Fixed spamming Enter on the game start breaking the game
Fixed search refresh button
Fixed Tracker line renderers getting stuck when tracker exited MaxTrackerDistance
Fixed tracking point visibility not being updated on tracking point connect/disconnect
Fixed TrackingModules, InputModules, and VR camera position not being updated prior to avatar - reinitialization
Fixed Unity UI Scroll views going beyond their max limit
Fixed universal calibration resaving calibration data every avatar switch
Fixed Video Player pausing with audio becoming desynced
Fixed VR Switching in a Legacy world incorrectly shader replacing ALL remote Avatars & Props
Fixed VRIKRootController incurring a slight drift along local Y axis when the player rotated
Fixed VRIKRootController when there were no hips/feet trackers
Fixed world anchored Quick Menu not respecting MinimumMenuTilt
Fixed world scrolling making worlds disappear
Fixed _initialAvatarHeight being incorrect when loading an avatar while upside down
Ignore alpha channel on lag-less screenshot method
Prevent being able to spawn invalid sync precision props
Removed period from "cannot spawn prop" notification
Removed the requirement of rigid bodies in movement parents
Rewrote Focus Attenuation
Use movement parent deltas from new player controller
Along with this update, CCK 3.8 will release tomorrow.
Changed files in this update