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Between the Stars update for 7 March 2024

The final version is now available!

Share · View all patches · Build 13671661 · Last edited 7 March 2024 – 18:19:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Captains!

The final version of Between the Stars is here, and with it comes some new additions. We have also fixed some outstanding bugs, so this will be the most polished experience of the game.

The full campaign features over 160 main events, but also over 200 side quests. You have 25 ships to choose from, and you can customize them with the numerous available weapons and abilities.

The final moment has arrived: rise up against the Children of the Sun and save the galaxy!

  • We've added a new module: the Automatic Repair System. This module grants the ability to use repair kits during combat to repair the ship.
  • The Arcade now has additional difficulty levels.
  • The Arcade increases in difficulty when you win at it.
  • When you win at the Arcade, you obtain a credits reward. The reward gets higher as you level up.
  • Event #279 (Retinal Persistence) has been modified. Now a password is no longer required to advance in the event.
  • We've fixed a text loop in event #344 (Reunion) that caused a softlock that didn't allow the player to progress.
  • We've fixed a configuration error that caused the game to freeze when playing it on a Steam Deck.
  • We've fixed a bug that allowed a ship to be destroyed unintentionally with missiles when pausing the battle in order to board it.
  • We've fixed a text error in a button of the mission "The Black Sheep".
  • We've fixed a bug that would cause the same mercenary to be loaded twice, leading to softlocks when trying to add other companions, for example in the "Heads or Tails" mission.
  • We've fixed a softlock that could occur when changing ships.
  • We've fixed a possible softlock in the initialization of the ships.
  • We've solved an error that caused weapons or systems not to be returned to the inventory and be lost when removing them from the scrap shop.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused some medals to get locked if the crewmember they'd been assigned to died.
  • We've fixed an exploit that allowed one to unassign medals for free when putting a crewmember on reserve.
  • Crewmembers on reserve can now have medals assigned to them, but they don't offer bonuses.
  • We've fixed a bug that could cause the stations not to work correctly in the prologue.
  • We've fixed a bug that could cause items to be purchased without subtracting credits.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused codes to be displayed in some event texts instead of displaying the name of a crewmember.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused a softlock in the prologue if a saved game was loaded just before fighting Nartos.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused shields not to load correctly when loading a save game.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused a repeated text to be displayed in the "Requiem" event (the cursed tablet questline).
  • We've fixed a text error in the "Control of Xeah" mission that caused a text to be repeated.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused mission #301 "The Emperor" not to start correctly.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused the difficulty of the random event dice fights not to increase as you progress in the campaign.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between the Simplified Chinese subtitles and the voicelines.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused the inventory to appear in the prologue when the first text event appears.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused controller icons to appear when playing the game with mouse and keyboard.
  • We've changed the color and slightly increased the size of the text indicating the status of the hull in the lower left panel of the interface so that it can be read more clearly.
  • We've fixed a bug in a particle system that caused unnecessary memory allocation.
  • Numerous text errors have been fixed.

Windows Between the Stars Content Depot 727131
  • Loading history…
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