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AirportSim update for 7 March 2024

AirportSim DLC: Bologna

Share · View all patches · Build 13670690 · Last edited 7 March 2024 – 14:59:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Today marks the arrival of new content for AirportSim: the Bologna DLC! The AirportSim Bologna DLC is available now for download, priced at $9.99 / £8.50 / € 9.75 minus a 10% launch discount.

This DLC grants players the opportunity to play at an entirely new Italian airport, meticulously recreated based on photos, video materials, and documentation. But that's not all. Additionally, at the Bologna airport, we're putting into players' hands a brand-new Follow Me vehicle. This popular car, which is a hallmark of Italian airports, will allow players to experience true speed while completing tasks.

Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi was opened in 1933, meaning it has been operating for almost 100 years. Starting today, you will not only be able to admire this beautiful facility but also get to work on its premises. The DLC puts a completely new map in your hands, allowing you to experience new gameplay, either alone or with friends.

Bologna Airport is famous for its unique Follow-me vehicle. While you might have gotten used to the comfort of the more classic pickup truck, this DLC will bring you a high-octane experience while driving this exceptional car. Get behind the wheel of a luxury sports car and see if its incredible speed will help you complete your tasks on time.

The AirportSim Bologna DLC is available now, and you can purchase it HERE. We hope that the Italian airport will bring you a lot of joy, and you'll discover the pleasure of ground handling in the Mediterranean.

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