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Gods Against Machines update for 7 March 2024

Update to version 1.09

Share · View all patches · Build 13669849 · Last edited 7 March 2024 – 16:33:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update to version 1.09

Bug fixes

  • Fixed several issues with opening info panel
  • Fixed a bug that caused damage and hitpoint bonuses from spells or Gaia powers to apply twice to most animal units
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to continue the campaign even after a loss in some rare cases
  • Fixed an issue with the Clone Creature spell that caused the bonus to damage and hitpoints to not apply in most cases
  • Fixed an issue that caused Leaking Storage perk to never remove any resources from enemies
  • Fixed an issue that caused Fungal Spores to not apply lifetime and hitpoint bonuses to the created buildings
  • Fixed an issue with hitpoints of buildings to not be properly increased in most cases when the increase was by % of max hitpoints and not an absolute value
  • Fixed the description of Twisted reality blessing in non-english languages
  • Fixed a bug that caused units to sometimes keep attacking friendly units that were previously confused and thus considered enemies
  • Fixed a bug that caused Shards Of Fortune (Gaia power) to not trigger when Mana crystal was destroyed


  • Increased damage of small enemy tanks by 10%
  • Increased base corruption spread by enemy terraformers (both land and sea variants) by 10%
  • Reduced the amount of corruption cleansed by most summoned buildings by 35% on average
  • Increased the time it takes for Energy Disruptors (antimagic zones) to recharge by 9%
  • Reduced the amount of resources the Leaking Storage perk removes from enemies for most spells that can have it
  • The Twisted reality perk that allows casting in antimagic zones now only applies to non-basic spells (basic spells are Fireball, Iceshard, Rock Spike and Lightning Strike so this perk no longer applies to them)
  • Reduced the maximum number of repeated casts of Tornado spell from Thunderstorm spell by 1
  • Added diminishing returns on shards obtained from evacuation drones - starting from 5th shard, there is a increasingly growing chance that mana will be granted instead of another shard
  • The following spells can now be upgraded with the Wormhole perk, granting them the ability to be cast in antimagic zones: Boulder, Volcano, Wildfire, Earthquake, Echo of water, Ice Wall, Lightning Strike, Tornado
  • Increased hitpoints of bosses by 10% and reduced the cooldown of corruption spreading abilities by 8% but also increased the maximum amount of Power Shards that can be obtained by defeating them
  • Increased the extra corruption and resources enemies generate in Void Realm at level 70 or higher from 33% to 50%


  • Greatly improved performance when there is a lot of units on the screen
  • Improved performance during boss fights by streamlining some visual effects the big robots use


  • Fury of the Earth will now correctly activate from autocasted spells
  • Fury of the Earth now has an additional visual effects for summoned units
  • When Energy Disruptors (antimagic zones) pause to recharge there is now an extra visual effect and the sound effect is louder
  • The circle that displays the area effect of Energy Disruptors is now easier to see
  • Adjusted the Energy disruptor zone effect so that it better matches the visual indicators
  • The circle that displays the area where players can build around Mana Crystals is now easier to see
  • Updated the description of Clone Creature spell to correctly state that only the clone gets healed and not the original minion
  • Tutorials will no longer show when the region is already won or lost
  • The pause between reward choices is now much shorter so you can grab your rewards faster
  • The world menu will now remember which region was selected and reselect it when other menu's are closed (spellbook etc.)
  • Improved the world generator so that more spots suitable for mana crystals are generated, this should also help with the issue of crystals extremely close to enemy base

That is all for now. Hopefully you like the changes! There is a lot more in store (check out our Roadmap ), so stay tuned!


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