[UI]Added an invisible global message window that can pop up messages at any moment at the corner of the screen without interrupting the gameplay.
[UI]Added animation support to global messages.
[UI]Global messages shall automatically fade away after a while.
[UI]If another global message appears, all old messages will move up a bit.
[Passive Resource Generation]When your pets poop or lay eggs, the information will now use the new global message window on the bottom left. It will no longer interrupt your gameplay.
[Safehouse]You can now directly get through the door in the "Outside the Safehouse" area to get back to the safehouse. Clicking on a confirm button is no longer needed.
[Procedurally Generated Quests]Made the descriptions of procedurally generated quests in Liu sound more natural in English localization.
[Liu]New Location: Universal Times Office. (It's on the 3rd floor of the Commodity Market. The location is still working in progress.)
[Commodity Market]Added an elevator to the 2nd and the 3rd floor. (The button for the 2nd floor does not work.)
[Commodity Market]Added a billboard of the Universal Times outside the building.
[River Road No.181]Fixed a bug that allows you to bring Harold or Trump to the 2nd floor.
Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场
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