-Increased player XP gain to unlock extra content faster.
-Small typo & localization fixes
-Fixed a bug with Long Tournament & Short Tournament challenges where saving & loading caused several issues.
-Fixed a bug that prevented enemy team from getting buffs or debuffs through events
-Fixed a bug that sometimes caused battles not to start after save & quit. (If you still encounter a bug like this, restarting the game has been a working solution usually.)
-Fixed a bug that caused left mouse button dragging to not work in the map scene in some cases. It is possible this might still happen for some people. If it does, let me know and I will investigate further.
If you find a bug, sending the "Data.es3" & "ErrorLog.txt" files located in folder "C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\LocalLow\Redbeak Games\MortalGlory2" (if they exist) to can be a huge help in fixing the bugs!
Changed files in this update