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The Leviathan's Fantasy update for 7 March 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13667102 · Last edited 7 March 2024 – 10:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We have opened up the Fantasy World (Phase 1), allowing everyone to customize their floating islands in the game, including monsters, decorations, terrains, etc. on the islands. Each player can build their floating island and invite adventurers to explore, kill monsters, and level up. After activating the floating island, you can find your island on the world map or download islands shared by others from the Steam Workshop.
Updates and Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed an issue where the enemy adventurer's avatar sometimes disappeared in the lighthouse.
  2. Resolved a problem where monster spawns points occasionally disappeared after loading a save.
  3. Added voiceovers to the game's tutorial for beginners.
  4. Fixed a bug where frequent saving in the Flying Manta map sometimes prevented adventurers from disembarking the airship.
  5. Corrected an issue where some buttons became unresponsive when the game was paused.
  6. Resolved a bug that allowed buildings to be placed in the lake on the immortal sect map.
  7. Fixed a crash bug related to loading saves.
  8. Fixed an issue where some achievements could not be completed.
  9. The building accessory will be returned to the backpack after upgrading.

The Fantasy World is currently planned in three phases. Phase 1 focuses on floating island customization. Phase 2 will introduce adventurer customization, and Phase 3 will cover bloodline, item, and skill customization.
We are working hard to complete the development of these features as soon as possible.

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