- Added separate camera speed settings when aiming (improves the experience for players using controllers).
- Prevented other players' characters from triggering outlines on the main player's character.
- Optimized sound effects and particle effects using object pooling.
- Added a setting to disable collisions between your balls and other players' balls; however, collisions with your own balls will always occur.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where balls would continuously trigger water splash VFX or ball-in-hole SFX at the last hole.
I am aware that some players have experienced crashing or empty lobbies. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and am working diligently to resolve these issues. In the meantime, I recommend that everyone in your party restarts the game as a temporary workaround.
I am also committed to delivering 2 additional courses within the next 1-2 weeks, followed by a level editor. Thank you for your patience.
- Joseph
Changed files in this update