Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue introduced in version 1.5.0 that caused default settings on Steam Deck LED to load terrain too slowly. Problematic settings will be automatically changed on next startup.
New modding features:
- Mods now apply a bit faster.
- Added optional Author field to metadata in Project Model Mod tab.
- Added new Stat Mod: SetStatusAfterRemoval. Works like existing SetStatusAfterExpiry except it triggers instead when the status is explicitly removed.
- Increased max number of lines in custom ability descriptions from 4 to 10.
- Improved in-game mod description display: lines are longer, more lines can be shown, and the last line will no longer trail off if the description is too long.
Modding bug fixes:
- OnStanceChange_GetAPFlat and OnStanceChange_GetHPRate no longer trigger for each non-stance status change on a stance change ability.
Changed files in this update