Pirate Patrol now has more tactical options. As we continue to develop the game in Early Access, we have released the Crew and Fighters update for our friends who want to give the game a try.
With this update, you will be able to choose the pilots and officers that will serve under your command on the mothership at the beginning of the game. You will also be able to choose the fighter ships that you will place on your mothership from the list created for you by the Federal Intelligence Service and have them transported to your ship.
All pilots and fighters have their own unique characteristics. Therefore, you should consider the following criteria when making your selection. Some pilots have a better command of their fighters and can fly their ships under intense enemy fire without taking damage, some are skilled at making their ships go faster, and some are more skilled at inflicting critical damage because they know their enemies better.
Similarly, the fighters you transfer to the mother ship vary in speed, HP, sensor range, and attack factor, all of which, when combined with the skills of the pilots on the battlefield, create very different tactical options for a commander.
With this update, we've also made improvements to the game's sounds, music, and some visual elements. For example, you'll now love the battle soundtrack, or when your long-range heavy artillery hits an enemy ship, even if it doesn't destroy it, it can cause it to lose its balance and spin around.
As we've already announced, we'll be introducing loot and item crafting features in another update in March. So you'll be able to customize the weapons on the mothership and the fighter ships, and load each weapon with different projectiles or missiles and get different effects.
We are working hard to improve Pirate Patrol and thank you all for your support.
Changed files in this update