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D'LIRIUM update for 6 March 2024

v1.2.0 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 13660200 · Last edited 6 March 2024 – 19:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Version 1.2.0 is not a major update. Nothing in it particularly affects gameplay. For the most part, we just fixed the bugs we found when watching player broadcasts. But there are some changes indeed.

First, take a look at the full list of changes, and then we'll get to the details.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a destroyable obstacles to disappear after being destroyed.
  • Fixed the missing animation of the heart in the personal hell.
  • Fixed the stairs at the end of the industrial zone.
  • Fixed a bug where Sorcery was not interrupted after resetting the sorcery_progress variable.
  • Fixed and improved the display of the pulsing effect of poisoning or critical wounds.
  • Fixed incorrect handling of melee weapon hits on Phantoms.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the music in the graveyard to stop playing after the scripted sequence.
  • Fixed missing camera shake when some projectiles hit the player during teleportation.
  • Fixed memory leak and audio glitches, related to Phantoms.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed teleportation ball to fly through unbroken windows.
  • Reworked and improved Darkness mass burning with a flashlight.
  • Improved interaction of stone columns with player's projectiles.
  • Improved mechanism between the graveyard and the steam macinge.
  • Slightly re-worked crystals collisions.
  • Slightly re-worked projectiles.
  • Slightly improved visuals in cave.
  • Slightly improved introduction.
  • Updated all music.
  • Improved interaction with... interactable objects.
  • Monster projectiles now interact with interactive objects.
  • Added the number of souls that need to be saved to get a good ending to the results window.
  • Added the ability to light extinguished candles and torches.
Improved introduction

We've made some edits to the intro to make the rare random events really rare, and we've also changed some scenes a bit to slightly direct the player to content they would have previously been most likely to miss.

Interaction with the environment

We have improved the interactive objects. Previously, they mostly reacted only to the player's actions. If the player fired at a torch, it would go out, but when a monster fired at the torch, the projectile would just fly through. Now the entire environment that reacted to the player's projectiles will react to monster projectiles as well: windows will break, torches will go out, and pillars will break. Also, the player will now be able to light extinguished torches and candles, and not only manually, but also with a fireball. All of this will slightly affect the gameplay in general, because the player will be able to use pillars, torches and lanterns as cover from enemy projectiles.

Updated music

Yesterday we updated the game official soundtrack with some problems fixing, re-mixing and mastering. Now, this updated, corrected soundtrack is also included in the game, too loud music became quieter and too quiet music became louder. Player feedback will show how well the new music works in-game and matches the volume.

At the moment, we're learning the Godot game engine and also working on two projects - a small point-n-click adventure techdemo, as well as writing a script and making a development plan for The Golden Rogue. There's a chance that before any of this comes out we'll release some tiny game to improve our financial situation, but we won't announce or promise anything so that we don't have another production hell. We are always happy to discuss our projects and talk more about our plans on our Discord server, link attached below.

Thank you for playing our game! And thank you to our patrons for your support on Patreon!

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