Gameplay Tweaks :
- Now pressing jump mid air is the ONLY way of doing a double jump. Pressing "down" + "throw" doesn't work anymore
- When holding the UP direction with a flying bird in the hands, the Nemo now flies upward faster
- Clouds are more forgiving in the Tumult, Nemo must be in contact with the clouds for 0,5 sec
- Slinghops can now be prevented by inputing a direction opposed to Nemo's momentum
- Adding a jump buffer: checking if Nemo will be landing on the ground in the next few frames, thus preventing a double jump that would use the object in his hands
- Adding a rolling buffer: checking if Nemo will be landing on the ground in the next few frames, thus preventing throwing the poulp downwards
- Changing the visual aspect of the cogs that the player already collected, making them more distinct from uncollected cogs
Bug Fixes :
- Small spelling errors for the english localization (it seems like I can't spell the word "developer")
- The "Madeline would be proud" achievment now properly unlocks
- Fixing the bug of the empty bubbles for the cauldron and the chicken guy
- Properly healing the player when collecting a full cog if the "skip catch cog animation" option is enabled
- In the museum, sometims objects were destroyed by touching the pedestal before getting registered
- Fixing the crashes in space when changing area with the spaceship
- Properly resetting power up boss fight when the player miraculously manages to die at the same time as the boss
- The chicken's position is properly reset in the Memory Lane trial
- Fixing some camera jank in Verdant Voyage's houses
- Players cannot get stuck inside the mole's colliders when staying on top of them anymore
- Making the Masked Demon's Lair pieces are now invulnerable to explosions
- Masked Demon's Lair entrance cannot be open with no piece connected to the entrance anymore
- Fixing a small visual issue that misplaced the poulp to the left or right after collecting a powerup
- Other very minor tweaks…
Changed files in this update