as many already know I have been working on an animation feature for GRAB for over a year and while it may still not be perfect yet, I am confident that they are now good enough for everyone to start using!
I believe that animations will enable a lot of new gameplay and more immersive levels due to animated details that can be all around you.
This is just the beginning and I already have a lot more improvements planned around animations.
What are Animations?
Animations allow objects in your levels to move around between fixed positions and rotations that you can specify when building your level. This allows for moving platforms, boulders to run from, roller coasters, moving creatures and so much more.
How to Animate?
Select the object or group of objects you want to animate, select the “Selection” tab where you usually change a blocks color or group them together and in the top right corner select “Animate”.
Animations are made from frames, each frame represents the objects position and rotation at a specific point in time. To create a frame, just move the object to the desired position and press the “Add Frame” button.
For now, whenever an animation reaches the last frame the animation will immediately restart.
Animations do not cost complexity and every object in a level can be animated with up to 500 frames per animation.
If you encounter any issues, please join my discord server to report them: https://discord.gg/jScgbSF
I can't wait to see what you will build!
Changed files in this update