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The Experiment update for 6 March 2024

The Experiment Update 1.6

Share · View all patches · Build 13654364 · Last edited 6 March 2024 – 09:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

WOW ! It's only been 1 week since the game has officially launched and I am releasing another update. The game will still be receiving regular updates so please leave feedback.
I am currently working on some more minor optimisations and a new map for another update. For now though, this is the current update.


Let's welcome another zombie to the mix. (More will be coming in future updates)
This is the white coloured zombie, it is very quick but can be heard from further away. You will need to keep your ears open more.

The Lobby felt kind of restrictive compared to the regular hospitals. Now there is some space to explore while in the lobby.


The Sanity, Energy and Battery have all now been built into the image more. This is to try and have as little UI on the screen as possible as it can take away from the game.

The jump scares have been drastically changed. The old scares were too bright, glossy and just had the zombie punching you. The new scares have the zombie jump up at you and grab your face.

The UI has seen some small changes by making all the buttons the same size to make it the same as all the other menus.

With these new UI changes also come some animations for the animations fading in and out. For example, when collecting a key card, it will slide onto the screen instead of just appearing.

With 3 different zombies in the mix (and more on the way) it is best to get rid of the 85/15 spawn ratio and just go with even odds. The spawn rates will be even for all zombies going forward so keep an eye out for their colour.


I know you aren't going to read this long list so I will make it quick:

Launch options for people who have had lighting issues
Z fighting fixed on corners of the map
Timer at end of the game displays in M:S.sss instead of just S.sss
Changing key bind for "Open Chat" now works properly
Tutorial now shows your key binds instead of the default
Tutorial lighting has been built
Sensitivity and Audio were sometimes not saving
Couch collision fixed
Thanks for reading :)

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