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Ship's Cat Playtest update for 6 March 2024

Update notes for

Share · View all patches · Build 13652691 · Last edited 6 March 2024 – 04:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

+In the upper cabin chase the radioacitve rats and mice ignore the cat entirely.
They sit there until you move closer.
This happens when you load to that area for the first time. If you re-load
a second time they see you.
REM I am not 100% sure this is fixed but I wasn't calling StopExecutingTask()
on all active mice when a game load or resume happened.

+During the opening cutscene with the crew and captain talking I saw an explosion
from a radioactive rat. Make sure any nearby ones are invisible and frozen during
the cutscene.

+Make the default resolutionn for a new game on the production build something small.
It is the resolution on my machine which is wrong.
Check if the performance test gives a preferred resolution.

+Make elevator music play in the pool deck.

+The aiming dots for mini golf appeared for a frame then disappeared on Charlie's machine.
REM It now appears to work.

+In the funnel if you scrape along next to the wall on the first level the level unloads.
REM I fixed the problem with the cat teleporting through walls when we have a low
frame rate. This problem is either this or the camera going through a wall.

+In the funnel Charlie managed to jump onto a pipe that caused the level to unload.
REM I have marked more pipes as not CannotJumpHere.

+Past the rear kitchen at the elevator you can see the ocean.

+In the lower cabin if you are looking in from the outside the balcony you can see
the ocean and that next door cabins are empty.

+Reduce the number of lights where possible.

+The slides causedthe game to crash.

+At low frame rates the cat slides through walls and floors.

The cat fell through the raiiling in the lower cabin dead person csabin.
REM I haven't specifically fixed this. I want to do another build then see if it
still happens on Charlie's machine.

Also put up a "testing" window as it appeares the performance test buttons
takes a few seconds to run on Charlie's machine.
This is going to require thought. We need the game to not be paused. We must write our
own pause system.

+Make the vaccum be at the front of the upper cabin elevator.

+Make the vent next to the disco way more obvious.
Put mice on the left and right sides in front of the door. As the cat gets vaguely
nearby they run into the cabin.
Also... How do we make the cat go through the vent and not the elevator?

+Make the cat dance stop if you press move.

+Where the cat is being chased by the mice past the crew office the
and jumps on to the fire thing, it somehow jumped too hight.
Something about the level not loading properly.
REM I have played it here. I reckon with my new "not teleporting through
wall" code this should be fixed.

+Make the clue a bit more obvious that the cat should run away in the reactor
room instead of fighting.
REM I changed the lighting a bit but that is all.

The cat is not jumping where you expect it to according to robert.

+Change the giant rat sound from a barking dog.
REM It now does the usual mutant rat sound.

+In the reactor room make the game save immediatley after the cutscene,
before the mice attack.
REM It already does this.

+At low frame rate if the cat does a charge it can sometimes go through
the wall.

+VisibilityLoadAndSaveable was broken.

+We need to make the part past the crew cafe where the cat must jump onto
the upper grill thing more obvious.
REM I don't think this is essential. If the player geths through by running
then that is ok.

+In the cargo hold make it so the cat can stay above the ground through
the whole area.
REM Instead I have made the path a bit clearer.

+Improve hat taking off timeout function. It once took 15 seconds to happen.
REM I changed one conditional in the code. I don't know if this is the problem.

Put more story stuff in the mall hidden areas. Bits of machine, more cables,
more "nuclear reactors for dummies" books.

+Sometimes if the cat doesn't get on the vacuum cleanly it sits stuck until
the cat tries again.

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