- All block textures adjusted to have normal mapping
- Added parallax background
- New hat option for player customization
- The recipe to make sediment with an injector has moved to its own research
- Capacitors will now only discharge if it is connected to something that takes a wire charge input.
- Slightly increased the range teleportores, telewalls, and telecrosses pick up creatures to make some designs now reliable.
- Motors now work when the motor and its subject are both moving, accept for rail cores.
- Alternative input method for building and welding "Combomouse"
- The backpack sort button will now also sort blocks in the hotbar (accept for slots that are locked)
- WAILA and scan (x) now work on creatures
- The Guidebook (G) now shows the recipes a block is used for. Different types of recipes now have different arrow icons.
- Injector is now part of the "machines" guidebook category.
- Improved colors on exported gif's (F2)
Chunk Loading
- Increased chunk loading range around player. Soul cores are not changed.
- Turning off a beam that goes through unloaded chunks will load those chunks. Turning on a beam will still not load chunks.
- Fixed some significant water physics bugs
- Fixed the small damage sound spamming every tick
- Fixed displays and cast iron furnaces not updating in some situations
- Various small performance improvements and bug fixes
Changed depots in experimental branch