Welcome to our latest update! As ever, a HUGE THANKS to our community for suggesting improvements and reporting bugs! Join us on Discord here.
...aaaaand if you're enjoying Noun Town, a rating and a review are always incredibly appreciated!
We've added a Romanisation toggle in Settings menu (can now turn off all romaji and other romanisations)
Bug fixes and quality of life improvements:
- Fixed app freeze upon launching into MR in INITIALISATION MR for some users
- Ensured speech recording works after unpausing/refocusing in STEAM VR
- Fixed Noun box orbiting issue when opening and closing Oculus menu in NOUN BOX
- Implemented different marker implementation for ONBOARDING to the verb process
- Added Noun Town:LINK beta support for backing up + syncing save file
- Fixed LEXIMAIL screen break preventing news display
- Adjusted UI board highlight fitting in COLORS MINIGAME
- Corrected typo for "Environment" in VRMR UI
- Enabled talking to Meera in Food Store in AMBIENT
- Fixed SUPERSEEKER items facing wrong direction
- Ensured "To look at" water is visible in MR in MR VERBS
- Prevented loss of Farm scene Hose in "To Wash" VERB
- Fixed broken Cassian verb in BEACH
- Addressed particle spawn position issue in NUMBERS MINIGAME
- Prevented item highlight remaining after quitting SUPERSEEKER early
- Ensured "Heater" can be grabbed in LEARNING OBJECT
- Repositioned fishing rod to not block items in FARM LEARNING RUSH
- Fixed multiple particle instantiation upon verb completion in VERBS
- Ensured AIRSHIP CASSETTES appear when learned
- Improved airship path-following animation in ISLAND AIRSHIP
- Fixed animals being thrown through bench collider in resort area in COLLIDERS
- Made lessons playable in "Sports" and "Clothes" in broken languages
- Addressed blank data appearing as an option in SRS multiple choice
- Update "Carp" audio in English in AUDIO
- Differentiate between chair and stool in Arabic in LEARNING RUSH
- Corrected rotation of instantiated particles in VERBS learning scenes
- Prevented getting stuck in DIRECTIONS GAME if device is lost
- Addressed multiple sounds from learning objects in SUPERSEEKER
- Fixed disappearing items in room after SUPERSEEKER game
- Adjusted UI to prevent overlaps in SUPERSEEKER with extensive word learning
- Added texture to Silver flower in FLOWER MINIGAME
- Prevented Verbs and NPC spawning during active SRS in MR
- Prevented going out of bounds on Farm in ISLAND
- Added texture to lever on fabricator in AIRSHIP
- Aligned UI buttons correctly in QA CHAT
- Fixed UI for limit reached in LEARNING KIOSK
- Addressed game slowdown in COLORS MINIGAME after learning multiple seeds
- Allowed bypassing colors directly to phase two in FLOWER MINIGAME when learning multiple seeds
- Addressed issue where "Walk to marker" instruction appears despite being in the marker after final word in ONBOARDING CAFE
Enjoy! :)
Changed files in this update