Get ready to experience new adventures and brand-new songs with our latest update: Cybersymphony.
Start your journey with 3 NEW levels, and 2 NEW songs!
Sentinel Mode
- Haven City, 2067: Step into the future with our Cyberpunk City level. Experience technology and dystopian visuals colliding to create an unforgettable journey.
- Crystal Falls: Discover the beauty of the breathtaking landscapes of South Africa, where nature meets tranquillity.
Discovery Mode
- Letho: Explore the fiery depths of a new volcanic level that promises an adventure like no other. Feel the heat as you navigate through this incandescent environment.
- Vivaldi - Winter: Let the chilling melodies of Vivaldi's Winter accompany you through your journey.
- Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra: You'll recognise this piece as a popular choice in Sci-Fi media. Embark on an epic adventure with the powerful notes of Strauss, enhancing the intensity of your gameplay.
But that's not all... We're also giving you some sweet optimizations:
- Post-Processing Improvements: Experience a visually richer environment with enhanced post-processing, including bloom and HDR.
- Shader Fine-Tuning: Enjoy refined visuals, with shader optimizations ensuring a smoother, and more immersive gameplay experience.
Ready to dive in yet? Begin your journey with the Cybersymphony update now!
Thank You For Playing,
Niel ːauyayː
Changed files in this update