Hello, everyone! We’re releasing Update 0.4.0 today to address features and changes.
Update 0.4.0 Changelog
- Organization logos changed.
- Detailed organization page added. Now, you can see the organization description, members and the upcoming meetings for every organization.
- Organization notifications added. Before a month of the organizations that you're a member of, you will be notified to assign a delegate to join the upcoming meeting and present your country and vote for it.
- Organization event added. In the meeting date, an event will be created. And you will see what is the subject of the meeting and you will see the result of the meeting and what your delegate voted for. And also you will see the economic effects of the result.
- Organization badges added. In the country panels, you will see the country's badges. These badges show the organization's economic effects. (Every organization has an effect like prestige or growth as an advantage for the members and this effect is also dynamic, it changes according to the member's economic power)
- Organization Info on the world. A month before the organization meeting, an information panel will be created on the map that where organization meeting location.
Organizations Phase 2
In the last update, we released the Organizations Phase 1 which is the basic organization info panel. But we present you the Organization Phase 2 which includes new events, notifications, and other features.
Organization Page
We added a detailed organization page where you can view the description, members, and upcoming meetings of the organization.
Meeting Notification
We added an organization notification to the beside of the time panel. Before a month of the organization meeting, you will be notified to assign a delegate to join the meeting and vote for your country if needed.
Meeting Info
We added a meeting ınfo for the upcoming meetings. Before a month, an info panel will be created on the map where the organization's meeting location.
Meeting Event
On the meeting date, an event will be created for you to view the meeting subject, results, and the economic effects of the meeting.
Organization Badges
In the country panel, you can view the organization badges of the country. These badges will be viewed if a country is a member of any organization. And also every organization has an advantage such as prestige or growth.
Changed files in this update