New Features:
- Added a button when the last POSTbox is placed and story text is displayed to allow players to read it at their own pace before moving on to Victory screen.
- Planet 2 now has story texts, animations will be added later
- Planet 2 Level 5 got some visual updates
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the issue where difficulty selection jumped over Hard when navigating down with controller
- Planet 1 Level 3: Fixed the issue where game breaks when jumping into Boss. Special thanks to Twitch-streamer adeeduhs for finding this one!
- Planet 1 Level 3: Fixed the issue where boulders were not respawning after player died on Hard difficulty
- Planet 1 Level 3: Adjusted level navigation
- Planet 2 Level 3: Removed some invisible objects
- Planet 2 Level 3: disabled player movement during the Boss trigger activations
- Planet 2 Level 3: Blocked an area under the Boss to prevent soft locking players
Changed files in this update