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MAJOR Fantasy Craft update for 4 March 2024

Big Update

Share · View all patches · Build 13629903 · Last edited 4 March 2024 – 08:26:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings and salutation, adventurers!

We didn’t publish any new updates for a long time, because we have been working very hard on the game and had to revamp some functions over again. From now onwards, we are going to re-work some systems of the game to improve it.


When loading your old saves bugs may occur in the form of incorrect display of flora (trees, brushes, plants). It is highly recommended to create a new game.

You asked for it and we are happy to present you some furniture and some knickknacks to furnish your house comfortably.

Here is a list of new blueprints we have added into the game:
  1. Simple round chair (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  2. Simple rectangular chair (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  3. Round stool (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  4. Small bench (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  5. Rectangular dinner table (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  6. Round dinner table (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  7. Cabinet (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  8. Bookshelf (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  9. Simple bed (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  10. Simple mattress (buy a blueprint from Gloria)
  11. Wooden chandelier (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  12. Iron chandelier (buy a blueprint from Fred)
  13. Tall brazier (buy a blueprint from Fred)
  14. Small brazier (buy a blueprint from Fred)
  15. Deer horn trophy (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  16. Fireplace (buy a blueprint from Fred)
  17. Target (buy a blueprint from Eugene)
  18. Town’s dark aketon (buy a blueprint from Gloria)
  19. Town’s dark breeches (buy a blueprint from Gloria)
  20. Town’s dark shoes (buy a blueprint from Gloria)

Here is a list of things we have added into the game, changed or fixed:

• Do you remember those spruces of all sizes around the map? On the whole map of the game, we have substituted these old spruces with the new ones of better quality that look nice and natural.

• A new item is added into the game: deer horn – you can gather it from a deer.
• Autosave has been added into the game, now you can adjust the time of your autosave press ESC button go to Settings and choose the time of Autosave in the Game settings and Apply. You don’t have be afraid that you lost your progress if you forgot to save. But still don’t forget to save the game if you are implementing a very important mission and save when you exit the game.
• Now you can add stones into the crusher to get sand and limestones. No more tedious digging for sand and mining stones for limestones, just put all the stones you got from your miners and get as much sand and limestones as possible.
• The perfectionists will love it! 😊. We have made building easier and added an option snap to grid. Now during the building, pressing ALT (by default) you can choose 4 sizes of the grid.

• We have changed the weather a lit bit, less overcast now.
• Improved the visual part of the main page of the game (added some good-looking GIFs).
• We have also created a Discord Channel to make our communications easier. Add to our discord channel.
• We have re-worked Blueprints tab page.
• Bug, that didn’t allow a client join the game after totally breaking any tool – is fixed.
• Fixed wrong location of compass for non-standard resolutions.
• We have added a description to the requirements Noble Samurai Skill.
• Added sound during skinning of an animal body.
• We added some small details to the plot of the game to explain some weird things going on outside the village. Newcomers will find a letter close to the skeleton near a small pond not far from Henry’s house.
• Fixed small bugs.

Now it’s high time for you to earn some money and go blueprints shopping😊.
Furnish your houses and share the pictures of your interior house-designs in the screenshots in our community in Steam and in our Discord Channel.

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