- fix for salvage minigame getting stuck in black screen
- fix for crates being pushed out of reach in salvage minigame
- fix for exit button being unclickable in salvage minigame
- fix for unexpected plane deaths when returning from bars or salvage minigame
- fix mouse cursor disappearing in interiors after using pause menu
- fix smog dome not deactivating after beating boss in Gojko-Marin mission
- fix some save games fail to load with unexpected pirate data
- new games will now validate copied data files before starting the game, if an error is found a warning message box will display instead of starting
- starting a previously saved game using Load or Continue will copy the save game to a backup folder prior to starting. This folder will have the suffix _bkp and can be used to restore the game if the original gets corrupted which some people have experienced.
If you do get a problem with your save game please get in touch with us on the Discord, we may be able to fix it up.
Changed files in this update