Kingsvein now has a 16th class, the Swarm's Eye! As a combination archer-summoner, the Swarm's Eye controls a swarm of Vixflies, calling them as allies or even shooting them directly at enemies.
The Swarm's Eye has high versatility, power, and range, but high MP costs. They can also inflict a new status effect - 'Itchy' - which increases physical and ruin damage taken by +1.
Anyone with 250 Fanger XP and 400 Marskman XP can become a Swarm's Eye.
- New class: Swarm's Eye! Requires 250 Fanger XP and 400 Marksman XP.
- Added Vix Horn augment item (only for new games or those that haven't visited the final dungeon)
- Added Empty Quiver Charm (only for new games or those that haven't visited Pale Ravine yet)
- Speed Up Enemy Turn now shows a fast forward icon in the top left while active
- New hotkey: Speed Up (Toggle) - Press once to speed up enemy turns until it is pressed again
- Fanger's Razorwire MP cost reduced 3 -> 2
- Melder's Soilshift MP cost inreased 1 -> 2
- Teamwork changed to grant +1 Attack per adjacent ally with Teamwork, capped by Teamwork rank
- Teamwork Star cost changed from 1/3/5 -> 2/3/4
- Fang and Caltrops can now be used with Spellstrike
- Fixed Wave Crash frequently failing to let Spikes or Fire damage occur to enemies pulled
- Fixed being unable to jump over difficult terrain if an ally is standing on it
- Fixed Chilling Curse not working on possessed enemies
- Fixed being able to Suplex friendly NPCs and NPCs that are immune to pushes
- Fixed Undying being able to be dispelled
- Fixed AI trying to target invisible characters with Flamelash
- Added XY AreaOfEffect.originOffset (example: originOffset=0,1;)
- Added bool AreaOfEffect.sortTileOrderByDistanceToOrigin
- Global variable "actionApplyingElementBuffs" is now set before the AvAffecters are executed
- Global variable "actorClassOfActionApplyingElementBuffs" is now set before the AvAffecters are executed
- 'summonActor' AvAffecters now take a duration, which sets the actTimer of the new Actor
- Fixed debug mode data refresh sometimes changing appearance of items in containers
- Fixed 'neverRepositionOnMove' not working on delayed actions
Changed files in this update