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Rabbit Hole update for 4 March 2024

Rabbit Hole 1.0.1 + Major Announcments!

Share · View all patches · Build 13628730 · Last edited 4 March 2024 – 04:33:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Everyone! This update is very small for it's purpose is to remove some unused assets, nothing too grand.

I would like to take the time to say, thank you all for 8k downloads!

This means a lot to Shortcake and Moai as this reception is absolutley incredible!

I would first like to start off by saying, Hi, I am Engie, a member of Moai Music and the co-writer for the story and books! I helped Shortcake publish Rabbit Hole onto Steam!

I will be keeping in touch and giving updates about the game and about Shortcake whenever possible!

Speaking of Shortcake, he is the creator of Rabbit Hole and single handedly coded and developed everything into the game!

With that being said, Shortcake is going to go on a small break to take some rest and continue with school work as Rabbit Hole had played a massive role in his day to day life through these 3 years of development and he deserves a short break as we continue viewing feedback to see what the next course of action will be taken for the game!
Don't worry, the break will only be around 1-2 weeks depending on how he feels, but I will update everyone on any news that comes up during that time!

Thank you all for your support, we appreciate the kinds and love that the game has recieved and we are greatful that so many people enjoy it. Even for the people who don't, we appreciate you for taking time out of your day and giving the game a chance! Any interaction means the world to us so thank you all and once again, thank you for your constant support! With love - From Engie and ShortCakeCafe

P.S: If you would like to support Shortcake and his future endevours at all, he plans to release merch for the game (in a few weeks) that you can buy to help support Rabbit Hole and Shortcake! Here are some designs he plans to release! Go check it out if you wish to support him!

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