Made weak walls that you can smash down and added some into the first couple chapters. All usable objects now have a cool-down time of at least 1 second (including food). Berserk characters will now sometimes attack random objects if no other characters are around. Finished leaper and mycanoid baddies -- leapers can swim, mycanoids poison and multiply. Fixed a couple rare bugs.
I'm also about half done with maps for Ch.3. Gonna upload a new alpha to Patreon tomorrow.
Complete list of changes:
-New objects: destructible walls!
-Added some destructible walls to the first two chapters.
-Fixed crash when changing music volume in journal settings if map has no music.
-Using items like food and potions now sets cooldown to 1 second by default (60 ticks).
-Improved and added LOTS of nature objects: stumpBig, palm3, rockMassive, rockArch (alt sprites+colors).
-Finished mycanoid scripts (nocturnal fungal baddies that reproduce and cause poison+sleep).
-New sprite for smaller waterfall, improved swamp tree+plant sprites (for Ch.3).
-Fixed bug with "objHE" command (randomized weapon durability in scripts).
-Berserk mobiles now sometimes attack usable objects if no mobiles near.
-Leapers can now swim, and no penalty for slow map tiles (aquatic=6).
-Removed windows browser plugin for compatibility.
-Expanded Chapter 3 Alpha (for Patrons).
Changed files in this update