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Riftania update for 3 March 2024

Baking Update, God Items, Final Icon Revamp - 3/3/2024

Share · View all patches · Build 13626310 · Last edited 3 March 2024 – 15:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Riftanians!

I have been working on a update that will be revamping the "Aspiring Port" into the "Rifthaven Farm and Port"

This adds Farming harvestables at levels 5, 10, and 20, such as Wheat, Eggs, Cows Milk, Sugar, Cocoa Bean, Vanilla Bean, Strawberry, and Peanuts!

Harvesting these will provide XP in Farming, and if you choose to grind your wheat into flour, sugar plums into sugar, or churn your milk into cream, you will gain NORMAL XP (currently 100 x # of wheat/sugar/milk changed)

This also helps fix a lot of the weird crafting formulas like how a Fish Pie = 1 Fish + 2 Loaves of Bread 😅

Craftable foods I have added into the new crafting station, Oven:

Loaf of Bread
Riftanian Bread
La'va Cake (Buffed to 8 turns but added recipe into Oven, still can cook it on campfire since it is introduced in the farmers cookbook, may be transferring that cookbook over to Oven since it makes more sense!)
Ice Cream
Zephyrmint Ice Cream
Aquatic Ice Cream
Earthen Ice Cream
Spicy Ice Cream
Slipstream Ice Cream
Chocolate Turnover
Vanilla Creme Puff
Strawberry Shortcake
Peanut Butter Cookie
Omnipolitan Ice Cream
Herbal Coffee
Enhanced Coffee
Rift Walker's Coffee

New Foods/Ingredients I have added as drops from a few enemies:
6 elemental ingredients for use of ice creams:
Zephyrmint Leaf
Aqua Gel
Earthen Bean
Magma Salts
Snow Cream
Slipstream Fruit

Cradallian Gill - inedible fish that can be cooked into Braised Fish, a early game food since day 1 of Rift Walker

Minotaur Haunch - Can be eaten for 350 HP or cooked into "Roasted Taur" which gives 500 HP and 13 SE
Demon Tail - Can be eaten for 10% HP and 10% Magic Reflection or cooked for 20% HP and 20% chance to inflict Fascination per hit
Werewolf Scrap (name changed from werewolf steak) - can be eaten for 500 HP 50 Mana or cooked into a Werewolf Sandwich for 1250 HP 10% Mana and 18 SE


I have added the 4 Miniboss fights from the crying orc teens quest to overworld fights, these can be encountered rarely now in their respective continent while outside

There is also an extended reward past collecting the 5 Heirloom pieces, a cave opens up in the middle of the Cradallian Sea, where the orc meets the player there to unlock the true secrets of the Heirloom

I have added a new travelling Merchant that travels between all continents (except Peirish, and will sell you teleport spheres to everywhere except Peirish, for a discounted price! every 4 hours he moves:

0-4 Cradalios
4-8 North Palein Expanse
8-12 South Palein Expanse
12-16 Pikari Desert
16-20 Oceania
20-24 Elven Lands

I have added a new command addable into your keybinds on the keyboard, you have to pick a key for it manually, the command will be useful for if I ever decide to update this game again in existing areas where I completely change the look (example: the farm in this update!)

Unstuck: Teleports the player to Rift's Vertex: Rifthaven

Yes this is a free teleport stone technically but it should be so out of the way that you only should use it in a pinch or if you are completely stuck on a story quest (demon castle 👀)
Final Icon Revamp (hopefully):

If it is a rare item, quest/story armor/weapon/accessory/item, a crafted one, or a legendary (dungeon bosses) there will be a glow corresponding to the rarity/tier:

Green - Quest/Story Progression key item/boss drops
Blue - Rareish normal equippables
Orange - Crafted
Purple - Legendary (dungeon/non quest or story boss uniques)
Gold/yellow - Godlike (2 main final boss drops)

consumables will have a back glow of the three tiers I have on the borders currently:
T1 green
T2 red
T3 Pink

I have also added 8 new drops from the 2 final bosses that are considered a new tier: God tier,

These will be guaranteed from the 2 bosses when you defeat them!

(only 7 are shown as 1 is in another row)

Thank you as always for all of your time and I hope you enjoy this update!

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