Good evening!
If it is evening for you. ( It is evening here in Asia)
This is the newest version of It Belongs in a Museum.
Here is what has changed.
- The active ragdolls were taken off the melee enemies so they no longer can be punched and knocked down :( I figured it was better to have more frames than the occasional laugh at punching a skeleton or zombie into the dirt.
- A new BLUE backpack! Now at the beginning of levels, is a new blue backpack. you must now pick up the treasures in the levels instead touching them to the old brown backpack and automatically collecting them into cash. When you pick up treasures, you can take them back to the menu and put them into the old brown back pack on the table to collect the cash. You can also hold onto your treasures and guns (if you have the space in the backpack) into the next level. The blue backpack will save all the items put in it, so this would make it easy to dupe stuff... a problem I have yet to fix.
- your health does not reset/refill after you leave an area through a door portal or ground portal. now if you die and return to the museum your health "should" refill crosses fingers and in between levels if your health is low, you must purchase the health vial and use it to heal.
That is it! I know this might make it harder for some, but this is how I had intended it from the beginning when I had imagined it almost 3 years ago. Now that I have learned new coding tricks and new ways to do things, I have applied them to get one step closer to perfecting the game (in my mind at least)
Changed files in this update