Hello Slimesventure Friends!
The last update that will be published currently, is now online!
Patch Notes Update 1.6.1 - Beach Additions:
Graphical Changes
- Hotel got more decorated - updated
- Fredo (finally) got an own Characterdesign - added
- Spruce Tree- and Snowy Variation Animation - added
- Beach Decoration - updated
- Transition Overlay - updated
- 8 AM Text in Prologoe to 6 AM - updated
- Soliar Sin Trainstation Layer Bug - fixed
Functional Changes
- Chefcook - normal talk - added
- Exotica Character - Removed
- Exotica Items moved to Beach-Bar - updated
- Upgrade Menu doesn’t open in Kingdom - fixed
- Navigation disabled, when no quest activ - updated
- Fredo can not be talked to - fixed
Thanks as always to all people, who play and played - Slimesventure: Your Destination!
Continue enjoying,
Changed files in this update