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MAJOR 100% Orange Juice update for 2 March 2024

Community Card Pack 4 Now Playable!

Share · View all patches · Build 13622529 · Last edited 2 March 2024 – 17:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

More cards! More chaos!

Community Card Pack 4 has been added to the game!
The pack contains 6 new cards based on community card ideas, and illustrated by community artists! The pack contains 3 Common, 2 Uncommon and 1 Rare card.

Contest of Cuteness (BATTLE)

Lvl 3, Cost: 5
May only be used by the attacker. The battle is decided by a contest of cuteness. Cuteness = 10 - Max HP - ATK + EVD, but no less than 0. Instead of rolling for attack, both units roll two dice and add the total to their Cuteness. If one unit has a higher Cuteness, they steal 5x the loser's Lvl stars and gain 1 Win. Then end the battle. Can only use against players.
Illustration: WoodChin

Warp Control (BOOST)

Lvl 1, Cost: Lvl x5
Upon activating the next Warp or Warp Move panel, choose another Warp or Warp Move panel to warp to.
Illustration: Ritsu

My Wild Friends (BOOST)

Lvl 2, Cost: 10
Summon a random friendly unit on your panel that is an available wild unit type. It gains 1 HP. The summon will challenge any enemies and gives half of the stars it gains to the summoner. Replaces any previous summon.
Illustration: ScorpionCard

Rebellion (EVENT)

Lvl 2, Cost: 20
Effect Duration: 3 chapters. All players will receive +1 ATK, +1 DEF, and +1 EVD when fighting a player with a higher Lvl than them.
Illustration: Calamari-Pop

Nanako's Bit (GIFT)

Lvl 1, Cost: 0
Randomly gain +1 ATK, +1 DEF, or +1 EVD at the start of battle while this card is held, and lose 7 stars. This card is discarded upon KO or use.
Illustration: Baedong

Bank of Poppo (TRAP)

Lvl 1, Cost: 0
The first unit to activate this trap loses Lvl x10 stars. If any stars were lost, the trap stays on board and the lost stars are given to the next player to trigger the trap.
Illustration: pencilchewing

Version 3.16 also includes a multitude of other changes, please see the full patch notes on the Steam forums!

We hope you'll have a lot of fun with the new cards!

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