Hi all,
This update fixes some more issues that were brought up in the discussion forums, and adds a few quality of life fixes as well. Thanks again to everyone who tried the game out and provided valuable feedback. It is all very much appreciated, as always!
- Fixed season indicator in the top left of the screen.
- Added tooltips to season and time of day on top left of screen.
- Units can now see through farmland, but still not into it.
- Fixed bug with Issue Order button in Scheduled Order screen, where it could be disabled when selecting invalid unit types and would not re-enable when selecting artillery units.
- Can now issue rest scheduled orders to artillery units.
- Can now issue rest orders to mixed groups of infantry and artillery. Previously you had to select groups of either all infantry or all artillery.
- Rest scheduled orders for artillery units now properly prioritize artillery pits.
- Sight range reduction when resting (as opposed to watch duty) has been increased.
- Fixed bug in which Supplying Area orders generated by your Logistics officer would always show Ammunition as the supply type.
New Localization keys:
Thanks for playing!
Changed files in this update