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Color Summoners update for 2 March 2024

Bug fixes including specification changes

Share · View all patches · Build 13620095 · Last edited 2 March 2024 – 08:33:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

・Conditions for the King of Conquerors quest have been relaxed and the wording changed.
・Fixed a bug that caused the game to become unprogressive when using deep-sea fish when either deck had 0 cards.
・Fixed a bug that caused the effect of a monster fire to decrease its value even if it increases its strength.
・Fixed a bug that Stegosaurus did not destroy all cards when there were multiple cards of the plant family in the waiting area.
・Fixed a bug that caused the CPU to put non-Dragon cards on the battlefield when using the Dragon Master's standby effect.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the player from progressing when using the medium in a versus game.
It is no longer possible to completely change the position of the hand. Goodbye cheating gamblers.
・The condition of the Book of Black has been changed from "If you have two or more black cards of level 6 or higher" to "If the leftmost card in your hand is a black card of level 6 or higher.
・Fixed a bug that caused the communication destination to be changed from the opponent after the game started, resulting in the opponent resigning or becoming unable to progress in the match against the opponent.
・Fixed a bug that allowed players to change decks while being matched against each other.
Currently, a bug has been identified in regards to the versus game and is currently being addressed.

Check official discord!

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