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MAJOR Railroad Engineer update for 2 March 2024

Update 8

Share · View all patches · Build 13620036 · Last edited 2 March 2024 – 04:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

In this update I am adding some automation for trains. This feature has been requested for a while, and I have decided to add it. This isn't meant to be complete automation, rather it is to be used for mundane tasks such as delivering food to towns. These things need to be done routinely and can be quite tedious, but with this new feature, you can automate them!

The way it works is you have to add flags along the train's path and at each flag you can specify some action, such as unload cargo, reverse direction, change junction position, etc. You must always place a flag on junctions, as you need to tell the train what to do. The flags need to be placed in the order that you want them to trigger, so plan your path before placing the flags. The path can be looped, but you must start and end it on the same point. When running on a path, the trains could still run out of fuel, so pay attention to that.

I have added a new tutorial that covers setting up train paths. Have a look at the tutorial and let me know if it is clear. My biggest concern is that it may be too complicated to figure out how to use it. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it, and if you encounter any bugs.

I have added some pop ups over towns and locomotives when they are low on resources. This is to help let you know if a town needs something without having to check on it all the time.

I have also changed the building UI to show the maximum capacity for each type of resources.

I also fixed a few small bugs.

That is all,


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