- Ikshana, religion, +20 summon limit, all allies become stationary, summons a Teal Prisma on step per fully-charged prayer, prayers summon other Prismas, Prismas are little elemental towers with ranged attacks (a "TD god" as tribute to warcraft 3)
- Phoenix, religion, constantly deals fire damage to self, damages enemies with divine intervention, prayers apply Blind and Scorch to all enemies and raise your astral / fire resistance
- Added Nartaka,class, lighting damage to an enemy in a 4 tile range on hit / step, special glove Dastaana
- Slightly more LORE in the god descriptions
- Removed force from burning body
- Secutor how heals off of highest-stack Effect
- Secutor now gives only "martial" effects - poise, evasion, anoint, inflame
- Added effect-stack scaling on top of Yu 3rd prayer damage
- Put a "3 per area" limit on Skeleton / Apostle attribute gain from divine intervention (can be tweaked, but unlimited use was preventing the addition of other things due to the potential of allowing infinite "farming" scenarios --- this is one of the few choices I want to explicitly prevent haha)
got it in! we're still at 1 a day, in a frenzied state, let's see about tomorrow (thanks for all the bug reports)
Changed files in this update