- You can now wear gigantic gauntlets on your giant hands.
- The geomagnetic disc now benefits from being gigantic even while powered.
- Engulfing creatures will now disgorge something they are digesting if they become part of the same party during the digestion process.
- The temple mecha mk Ia's machined edge is no longer gigantic.
- You will now auto-explore over fracti if it wouldn't damage you due to non-matching phase or faction reputation.
- Fixed a bug that caused various coloration of creatures to be lost when in range of nightvision.
- Fixed a bug that caused unidentified missile weapons to display their identified icon in the missle weapon status bar.
- Fixed a bug that caused gigantic items to require even more limbs to equip if they were already equipped somewhere else.
- Fixed a bug that caused creatures to immediately want to unequip a piece of gigantic equipment after equipping it.
- Fixed a bug that caused equipment to not update how many limbs it uses after implanting giant hands.
- Fixed a bug that caused giant hands to reduce the amount of limbs required to wear any item regardless of type, most notably gigantic armor.
- Fixed a bug that caused the geomagnetic disc to sometimes consume double charge.
- [modding] Dismembered limbs now copy all properties of their severed parts into a DismemberedProperties part.
- [modding] Added AfterDismemberedEvent which can be used to add additional properties to the severed limb.
- [debug] Added an 'implant' wish to directly add a cybernetic to yourself in an optional location: "implant:giant hands", "implant:pneumatic pistons:feet".
- [debug] Added a 'modify' wish to create an item with a specific mod installed: "modify:crysteel gauntlets:gigantic".
Changed files in this update